The Times Herald from Port Huron, Michigan (2024)

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20. 1933. THE PORT HURON TIMES HERALD PACE TEN LATEST MARKETS AND FINANCIAL NEB ST. CLAIR RIVER DISTRICT NEWS How Wall Street Views The News Stocks Rise 1 To 2 As Gold Price Is Advanced 1 0 Cents ilspli CURB II GRAIN PRICES LITTLE HIGHER Meisner Road Honored At Birthday Party Marine City. Not.

Z'i. William Berber bs eightieth FORMER RIVER RESIDENT DIES Mrs. Autterson Passes Away In Soo, Rites In St. Clair Cla.r. Nor.

Mra. Uur-nc Aottrraon. 30. formerly of th.i Extra Dividend By Du Pont Helps Rally Washington Gold Quotations An Influence tirthday anniTrary at a party la hi boma on Mlser road, near Trade RemainT fcyj Wheat And Rye Down In Thumb, Beans At $2.10 Wheat and ry qaoted dowa today ia the Tharet grata 2Vna were at 1 1.1. HacKwr Beawk Wfceat Oat .31 here, He haa hyed all hi life oa the Advances tTi Tt farm wher be wt born.

Hi Ve. x- daughter. M.s Edith lives! ctty. tod-jy la the hospital in metal share, prorideVTf: with him. Ouewt of Mr.

Berier Sunday Trading, howerer. TT Sault Ste. Marie, Mich of pneumonia after a week' The tody will be removed to St. Re changes thj; 4 were fr. and Mra.

T. J. Hunt. Miaa list were narrow- CUir Tuesday for buriaL Funeral ft la, Charlotte Hunt. Mr Mary Diem, Ant- Mra.

Elizabeth hur.k. aU of China w. was up 4 IW Ax By Tfc Aaaocjaud Pre Chicago. Nov. 20.

Despite some tra-nment sharp dips the grain markets averaged much higher today, responsive largely to a resumption of advance in gold quotation at Washington. A substantia! decrease w0f the United States wheat visible supply total rave aid to price upturns near the end the day. Trade attention fastened its-lf also on domestic winter wheat crop deterioration reports especially from Western Kansas. Wheat closed firm. to 14 cents above Saturday's finish, corn IM to Is up.

oats 1 to 1 i advanced, and provisions unchanged to 22 cent down. township: Mr. a r. I Iawreiice j- nd iri rose more than 71 Brsrer. Mr.

and Mra. Clifford Tay arrar.zeratr.t have not been completed. Mra. Actterson ia survived by her husband: one daughter, Mary: two sons. Laurence.

and Char-e. her parents. Mr. and Mra. An shares imnrorsd S.1 1 It l.S -4 t.C 4 Peans Barley Backufeeat Ps Wheat os Barley Buckwheat Pea Wheat it lor and duhters.

fairjeii ani miitles pear nee. yiiim Hun t.Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hunt and aon. Junior: trie Bond A Shar stock HlKed.

up rtirtuS Cos ell Mr. and 5fr. Flvd Berper and daughter. Do nr. a.

and WiilUm ii. son Caln; one brother, Anson CaKen. ail of St. Clair; one n.iustnai Were Burger, Jr all of Detroit. moved narrow K.

ir. active. -VDUt 1.10 lie a Kafley l.r Buckwheat LIVESTOCK sister, Lyle M. Mullen, Port Hijron. Mr.

and Mra. Autttraon lived In St. Clair until two veara ago. Mra. Autterson was Miss Paulina Callen.

She waa born and educated In St. Clair. Mr. Autterson i the son of Mr. M.

Autterson. St. Clair, and the late Capt. John T. Autterson.

Education Boards To Discuss County High School Funds Alonac. Nov. 20 Board of Late Prices Of Leading Stocks Tha AlOritt4 Uveat.1 Chicato, I4.14.ti: topTutti1 a-e-; t.V'r.lTa' ouahty plainer: (By Th Associated FY I New York, Nov. 20 Stocks and staples were fairly steady, but un-enthusiastic. today as the the domestic price of gold 19 cents to $33.66 an ounce and the dollar dropped in foreign exchange fieaUnss.

After a dull opening, there was xally of to -4 or more points in equities, but the ticker tape was not pressed at any time. The activity dwindled appreciably following the moderate half-hour spurt. Most buyers and sellers then adjourned to the sidelines to wait for further developments in the monetary situation. Sterling, at $5.32 was up cents and French francs advanced .05 1 of a cent to cents. Grains lost their early gains and were little better than even.

Cotton did little. U. S. government securities again pointed downward. Transfer approximated 1.

700,000 shares. Shares of Aruerican Can were up more than 2 points. The old National Distillers stock was superceded h- the new issue which was off about a point. The declaration of an extra divided of 75 cents a share by lu Pont was a cheerful straw in the Wall Street wind. In addition to the improvement In its own business.

Du Bont's large ownership of General Motors shares helped to augment the company's Income because of the recent G. M. extra of -5 cents a share. Wall Street opinion, while optimistic on the whole, was still of the restrained variety. Of 17 brokers' letters, nine were found to be bullish, none bearish and eight non-commital.

Standard Trade and Securities said: "Beturn of average Industrial operating rates to the basis of lant spring is believed to indicate that the bulk of necessary readjustment necessitated by the summer rise has been completed By JALES McMCTXIX (CotTrnfet. 13 J. tor The TiJcea Herald) New York. Nov. 20 Amadeo Giannini is about to become a big-time factor in th-e New York bank-ing world.

aiders eay he has extended his influence in National City affairs to the point of virtual control. There will be changes in the National City set-up around the first of the year and Giannini proteges are expected to benefit. The idea is to restore National City to its former place in the un and put it again on a parity with Chase and Guaranty Trust. The New York-San Francisco hook-up will be worth watching. Final arrangements between the New York banks and the RFC will find the state banke selling capital to tune in Banks with RFC plans and the national banks quietly not participating.

The capital note plan suits the State banks fine. The notes can and probably will be paid off July 30 next year. Bank lawyers assure their clients that the note afford no foothold for government intrusion on management. That makes co-operation with Mr. Jones mve-et and simple.

Why are the national banks left out? Because of a ruling that their contribution has to be preferred stock and not notes. Preferred tock Invites a wrangle with stockholders and offers the government a tenancy that might be bar to dispossess. So nothing doing. Only five of the New York Ch aring House banks are national including Chase and National City. So the majority will play along.

Pro-Nazi sentiment has developed among New York bankers to the point where there Is actual talk of extending Germany new credit. It is not likely to be translated into action. But Germany is no longer ranked as a financial pariah. Certain British and Swiss bankers have broken the ice already. American creditors of Germany have devised ingenious method of converting payments in blocked marks into imports that will make up for the discount.

Wines and old masters are included In the list. education and uprintendnt of achoola for Marine City, ft. Clair, (Furnished by M. L. Parde Co.

First National Bank Bnilding) nils market 14-14, Price at 1.00 Am. Tel. Tel Am un: meacer auppl, I-. Fmte-ral ScrvH- Held St. Clair, Nov.

20. Funeral services for Alex I-e, 2, sailor who died Thursday, were held this afternoon in 'ft farni'y home. South Ninth street. liev William M. Ward.

Ht. Clair, pastor of Adair Methodui Epi.acopal church, officiated. Burial was in St. Mary's Catholic cemetery. 1-1 US sartor strenrthenine vTfr and weithty steer aa much a.

STOCK MARKETS The Aoriata l'ri MW OKK MlKh I-IVT NOON Am. Can Am. Kor Few. Am. Tel.

Tel. Am. Toh. Am. Wtxden Am.

Z'-nc Anaconda Armour 111. Auburn Auto Halt. Ohio Bethlehem Steel Hihti Aluminum Borden Mf Hurrounb Add. Mach. Calumet A Heel Canada pry O.

A. Can. Pacific J. I. Case Cerro le faaco Che.

Ohio Chkaao Great West. Chryslfsr Columbia Commonwealth Clirar Cont. Can Curtis Wrluht IH-troit Rdison Marysville. Yale. Capar and Fort Huron meet wi'h the local school hoard and Superintendent Fred A'folph Thuraday to dicu.

the financial condition of the achoola. Dr. C. f. Stewart, president of the A'tonac hoard of education, will prilde.

Roy T. Gilbert, were tary. will lead th di A l-aker from is expected to attend. up i so: top Dn ntM -riheep -Receipt, early; l.mlax M.7.,T.m: Vi 1 11W 11 44 24 SJ-a 4T Jl 1 I7V, ll tas 3 4H 2 44H IS lt 7IW -ea. lliS8iurtLS.rk, 4.

ewea. S0-U pund. dlum ttlTTt; Pound. ok and Kl Rnffal For.ifl Br. Kim K'lrrmirtl A -J4.

Mi'-h. "hrrlr Commonwealth A Souihern r-mm. Ol rtro't Kx-Crtlt inral Kf-la c.nrl Klwtrtc nral itor Hall U-nJ Hirm Hjl-n M-j'ors Kelvinator Kre-r Kenn-rot Copper Krnir Michijtan Hairar. com. Murray flMy I.ry I'arkari ISsltTT t--nn.

Ky. s'ofir allium 'anMr-i Hrand f. S. Se! Warnr Aircraft W.ern rnion 1-. 4S 1 3H 21S J3' 4 tm lis C13 is iK 4 Burial Kite for Mr.

Iintl-ay St. CUir, Nov. 20- Funeral services for Mr. Rrne-it Lindsay. 22.

who died Thursday in Port Huron hospital, were held Sunday afternoon In the family home. North Fourth street. Rev. Samuel Steele and Rev. Mr.

McCraken, pastor at Gospel hall. Sarnia. and Rev. William M. ttard.

St. Clair, officiated. Burial was in Hillside cemetery. Marks ICIK-M Tm-mlay Marine City. Nov 20.

Funeral services for Mrs. Chauncy Marks, who died Saturday, will b- at 2 p.m. Tuesdiv in the Marks home. Burial will in Oaklawn cemetery, Alonac. POST HONORS STATUS NERO Pays Tribute To Captain Who Made Wodd War Record Omen.

Nov. 20 Harry Olirlrh pt. American Lrion. baa -discovered Michigan great-hri of th World wu rr-Z nuietiy rn tfci city and fca iiosored k'if I Capt. WKia Brinain who'ha Uvrf hr- thre, year, without his unusjal record heir.

known locally. Captain Bnttain ha ben given a membership in th local pot. served la th Mm regiment. 12Stii infantry, a aWd Harr OUrich. after whom the local post wu Bm- Captain Ertt'ain'a record of citation floaty rivals that of the tnmotii Ser.U Alvtn York.

HI record "Kor extraordinary So action nar Juvigry France. Aug. 31. lili. Lieut.

W- 8. Brjttaln. by i spirit and aetlon. went out beyond th main infantry line, pushed forward unsupported, and with hi platoon captured two officers. 94 men and eight marhin Kan.

rrora this point of action. lieutenant BrU'ain. wlith htm platoon, proceeded in a direction from which rouM be heard and br hi utile decision bia piatoon raptured two enemy field guns. lx trench mortar, threw machine luDi and Car-tain Brittain waa hy Oov. AiX J.

Uroerecfc a Michigan' greateat war hero. Hsa citation and award Include 3-rvire eroa. Chevalier of th tion Honneur. froix de Army Corp Citation. ioid Star Croti i.uerre.

Army with Palm and ton-greasioral ilsdal of Honor r'om- mendd. rjiteeexl Arraj In ltl lie entered the army May .9. 13 K. a private. II- served ver from Feb.

18. 11. to May IT. ll. partlcipatint; In Tranche IoUr Hector.

Atnace, May 21. ll. July IT. 115; Al.n-Mirn offensive. July si to Ana- li.

Co -Aine. Aig. 2 to Sept. IS. 1 I He waa with the army of occupation in ier-many from Nov.

2 3. 15 1 to May Hi wife, a former war nurse, la active In veteran auxiliary circles. Marysville Scouts Prepare For Action MarysvUle. Noy. 20 Ctar-nce Ker'n.

former Sroatmtr of troop No. 1 in Marysville. the troop and plan to register this month, with at least 2S Scouts. The troop meets at the hool Thur'iir evenings. To Ijkct Trva-v Mwt Fair Haven.

Nov. 3 Troop No. of Fair IUn. under Scout-ntwer Frank Barlett and Frank i projwrina- to enter th inter-troop f- hell in fort Huron Tu i v. Nov.

2i. Th. troop hi 2 Sf-o-jta and met. Thurily To lilcTtin trHa tub Nov. 2'Mr.

Cordon I(urknr will h- to the Hrtde civi Tucodiy The Hut. m-t Ui week with Mr, like, honors won hy Mm John MiUr. Mr. Thorn. II, sher and Mr.

il'tb'tt B. Muhlitner. S. C1ar lr-f Clrt I- No. 2.

Kir-t thodi--KpLcopai church. ill ni--t at It) p. m. T'l-slty Mnl-Teter Matth. Mm Ann i Crary and M' Mary f'adf tettt wr- of r'M-tivn SJtur.Jav in Ml M- tnryr- attended th- Michlittn-Minne-ota fooljll dtn Saturday in Ann Arhor.

Cirri- No. S. KSf fonrett-lional church, will a 2 :3 p. tn. Tuesday with Mr.

Tho ,1 nurtalo. Noy. I holdover, tl. over Krld.ya a vera i-. 7S0 i.o.M.

14 ni 11 turmt N'em. I4 r7atman Kodak 734 49 pounds, pia l1 Cattle Kiec. Auto 1-Ue Kler. Power Liaht Erte K. R.

Kedoral Screw Preeport Ta enerai Quality plala; truant fert r. Grocer Killed In Auto Accident, Star Football Player Held Sarnia. Nov. 20 Bet-r W. Blair, 5.

wan killed Saturday r.iitht when run down ly a car driven by Jame F. MI)onald. 20, atar member of th Cdi-m football at Bupaell and ft street. McDonald was on ball, pendinsc an innuest to be held this week.

Blair was rromir? the street when th accident hapoened. teady; other weak tU week and in rent. a Strirllv anA.1 mw.A aimilar klnda i.i 4.7 and l. tx.ue.t TT Vi ana j.linti4 n- "'wer, rooar 4tt -4 LOCAL MARKETS WHOLESALE QUOTATIONS Meat iTeef. cwL Il ilOl It Vaal.

nrt li ltVt ei l.amb. aarmc dressed J)014 and that a period of temporary stability is Jn immediate prospect. Conditions would, therefore, appear to be approaching a stage where a normal revival, under new year influences, could occur, barring the possibility of unexpectedly adverse monetary developments." Today's advance of the gold price put somewhat of a damper on the recently revived hopes of some banking quarters that had taken seriously reports that dollar stabilization was being considered by Washington. yas-i 50c lower; arttv at dwiis laraely common 4 a4 a. fheep Itersipla.

I laat The Curtisa Wright deal to cre- lUnfli oo Perk, cwt m.talir tlyi o. Grain ud Bran me.iiaai 14, burks. t9; throwouu ll.IUu tory under their supervision marks the end of a bit-Ku-eda ter undercover contest between ourselves and the French for Rus Ti Iht fn 1urKe St. Clair. Nov.

2'i Isabella Ch.irlea. Junior Hich school English teacher, will have charae of the program to be presented by Junior Hisrh pupil at 10 a. m. Tuejlay In the, rh echool Wheat Hv Ban fiarleT IMeall Mrsatatt .31 5.14 110 1.00 netrwit. Nay.

Catll. raw. teady on of halrher; kwheat t'irrlo M-f Io-fponctl St. Clan. Nov.

Circle No. 5, First CintrreKaflona! church, has postponed its meetire Tuesday, in the horns of Mrs. George Johnston, on account of the death of Mrs. Anson daughter. Mrs.

Laurence Autterson. Mrs. Callen is chairman of the circle. Musical Comedy Attracts, To Be Repeated Tonight Marino City, Nov 20 A lar-te audience att-nded "Henry" sj Wed-dinir." a musical comedy presented Sunday nieht by a cast of 125. all local talent, in the hish school gymnasium.

The program will be repeated tonight. Bernard Ros with his sister. Miss Muriel Rose as accompanist, sang three sol.s. Melba Gerrick entertained with a contortionist exhibition and Betty Phillips presented a Scottish dance and tumb ri p. ilen, Klectric den.

Kooda tien. Motor C.illett Safety R. Hold Uut Uoodrirh (JtKidyear Tire firaham Pals Great Northern Ry. pfl. UrlKahy irunow Hudson Motor Hirpp Motor Ill, Central Copper Int.

Harvetar Int. Nickel Can Int. Tel. Tel John Manvllla Kelvinator reuse, s. g.

Kroger (Jroc I.ig. Myera Mark Truck Monta-omery Ward Motor Wheel Murray Corp. Nah Motor National Kisrult Nat. Oalry Product Nat Power at l.lkht N. 1.

Central Northern I'ac, Packard Motor Penney. J. c. Petin. R.

Pierre let. Phillip Phelp Ind( Pub. Serv. S. Radio Keo jfotor Republic Steel MM.

oemoratiaen Itats -1 ll O0w.Ti; hary stss-4 bci lsi handy lihl ut. k-a, 1 Dairy Prwdort Today's Markets At A Glance uht butihera, I TS; hut hers rowa II 7S; ranners. 11 tso I li. r4te Marine News Fees. dox.

Butter ETA It qro-TT10N Meat Portarbeua steak, lb. Round lb Strlnin at oak. lb sian airplane business. A decisive factor In our favor was our use of machinery in building engines a against the larger degree or skilled hand labor required by French production methods. Soviet authorities have come to doubt the talent of their citizens for intricate manual craftsmanship.

Our Army and Navy co-opemted warmly with Curtis Wright in i-uii. hxhwa, UOIk ltl)c 141k 3 stork hulls. 2ali ta ISOOff it); storkers er trinarer. I Veal calvea--Re eipts rut hesi I 4. hera.

It a I 44. Sheep and lamhs m4 1W IS li'y 47S 7 1 ..1.14 5 II1 a is is IS its 4 4JS 14S S' 1S 1S 30 is IS 47S US sss sos IS SIS 21 IS 17S 17 iS 7S 14S 44 1 MS 14S 1S 24 IS 44S 4S IS 44S 47 .110 14 ns 1S i as 4S llc Uiic iliy The Ao lated Pre) New York Stocks: Firm; late buying lifts leaders. Bonds: Irregular; U. S. governments decline.

Il.RB 1, ti; fair lamhs. It lUi 4 Stowing nwt. lb. Bacot. lb Smoked hare a.

lb. Hamburger Veal roaata Veal stew Pork roast, lb. Pork chop, lb. 10 lie loeiK Itflikl Ttnsc to common lmh. 14 4tf 4 it tS 60; fair tn good culi and common, tart Ilia Freighter Grounded In Lake Michigan For A Week Is Released South H.iven.

Mis Nov. 20. A 1 The XurHTKlan freighter. Flak. enroute to Soti'h a drvdock inspection to- l.ivinc b-cn pulled off 157 Acttv; tnlyed tmt ft i Suaa.

lb. 10V ir ling acts. li; heavtea, 1 iit' 1-4 ihouM'r r-erk. IK 11lJc 1100; $JU; 1 i Curb: Firm: metal shares strong. Foreign exchanges; Firm; dollar again sags.

Cotton: Steady: trade and commission hciiie buying, firm wheat market. Sugar: Barely steady; poor spot (OMMl'MtY MARKET TRICES Fruit DAIRY, POULTRY New ltatrr Nw York. N.iv 2- Ka. receipts. Arrdes.

ha ftrt.S9 Pears bu Tie II 00 hulte Ret. S. Sears Roebuck. ht-ll I nlon PROVISIONS, PRODIC IPy Th Aorit4 lletrwlt 14 kslesaJ fiwe fietrott. Nor 2.

Veretahlc Cabbaxe. naw. bu Tic Carrot I l-c H.t cnt. Pk. a hoi near nf hy two ttisa Sunday.

h- Fl.tka. loa.Jcd with 2.or0 tons of grnitr.ip.l durinir a 1 market this mamirit siderai-le improyement er ae wa fairly oft sons lie totatoes. bu 75 9 Celer IC rumrkina tT 10c aforru I -t v-k. Th vc-i wa at. tha terminal 1rrea4 a-the week end The heea Swa I Hairy Trad oet demand.

Coffee: Lower: Erropean selling. Clilesato Wheat: Higher, gold advances resumed. Corn: Firm; government relief purchases. Cattle: Active 10 to 26 higher, smaller receipts. Hogs; 5 to 10 lower, active, top $4.25.

liMiy tronr en h-at est 4 aupldle ware heayfer tinned very alow. helping the contract along. They did the same thing for Turkey not long ago. If the prospective customer had been Kngland or France or Japan, it might have been different. Air transport executives are working hard for a lonir-term subsidy agreement with the government.

The present uncertainty about how much they can count on for next year has them by the ears. They wouldn't mind If the subsidy tapered off In a period from three to five years. They think they could be self-supporting by then. But they want to be sure they don't go broke meanwhile. Political junketing at air-line pxpense has reached a new high.

Farley and others have had special piano for the asking and have asked pretty often. The air lines have been glad to oblige after all there are those subsidies. Previous postmasters-general used to do the same thing on a smaller scale but their trips were politely called "inspection tours." Now the camouflage has been dropped. Butter, lb. Chl kna Turkey i 16c not refl-i tcd until i if of the car so hd i liehtera.

fficrea of the FLik Id the return vnyn to Norway, would be sfirted after th Inopec-tion at Sntjfh Chlcaco. It was be-lieved th Flak vo not sertously irr-siiiir. miiiM colors. nr-cl! to or from frh 3 n-Urd an I ommerclal standards Ji Ir. 4j is.

lreiJ: -r- h- k. 14, r-fr ccra lal k. 'v. siP ird. tHtf; it m- M3 13.

rt 14'fl, che- ks, 11 fut'er R-re r-t T.40J; Irretrular; rntry. his her than tra. J.1VWJ4S; T- l'i 1 7 I central. -re. stock, urrert ink 1.

II. No. I. 12. -H-'PH 1J1S4I; ie fl4t.

f-eh fancy. 1 ff 1 1 v- r'n. 17. held, fancy to fancy h-e e.j.. fi.n .4 n-n.

A ppleat hlirlllaa Simmon florony Vacuum south Calif. Kdioi SH)hem Pa. Kail. Standard Prand Stand. BI Stanl.

ml Calif Oil N. xtudefcaker Ten Corp. Te Sullh. t'nton fart-Ida I'nlon Ia-lfir rild Aircraft t'nited Corp. Inited is.

Imp. f. S. P.tjhher S. he V.

Ht-el, pfd Warner I'irture West Klertrlc Woolworth It. No. 1, iUj inra aMiwsa 1 llt II. few tosh, few 41 St.

Snow. )1 win ana. Nortbweater 431 ear a tt Florida hu-het Gold Price Raised After Week's Rest fills. Il.l iseirer i W. 12 (I, 12 tt ri-f rrt liar I'p- M.

on GRAINS AND SEED IB Th Associated Tre hlrajte nh ir4n. lne rhim.i, N.ov. T(Kla's ktnt quotation. Wheat No. I red.

7: No 1 hrd. No. 51 hard, ifi; Mo. 4 yellow hard. Si: No.

5 miked, SS Cnm Nil, mi4d. 4'-'ff47: No. 5 v.How. No. white 4T'-t4.

New No. 3 miaed. 4S No. 2 yellow, N'o. 3 4I4SS.

New and cl-1 No. 2 4aS. -California lew 451 S. -Itlu- C.Hforala crsies nd im. It.Ttw 14.

oer. Muhrrtwns 4 tnln w-a-at 01 TIK CtS tH OTATION pint Ion 1 a. it -1 It r-w Chmi-' tl S- f. m. I ir.

1 i T. O. MII. 4 Ml '-th. rn 7 -1 I 4.

1 MiB. 1 a. m. VI Vrnk a 11. O.

M. r. I. 7 15. $, It jrl.rcton.

la potmd k. am II ta No. ID pound aa-ka, llt. nejirhv aeri mhlwetern h-rmrv e. hatir- pe nearl-v ar-t mi I.i.rn KBini -ptir l.

1434. m'S-l Siit 2. i'bv pull-ta. I fh. ahell treale 1 1 7 sr 1 coa.t.

rM! tv-! -urns. eaf. 2,91 ref- rerti)r. Iar -7. m' u-r i fe I rnt.twtern beat 7'i 7'.

andrd. 1 hrnwa eaa. parka private et-re. I 4 wtm rftiertor. fn-j So iound VSri.

1 Aluminum Am A m. Cyan Am. Fan. Pew. War.

Am. KL Am. Surr Powr Itutler Rro. lara-r. It ltttl fS California hsh4 No.

2 white. 34tsS JiVjSMS. Kye No. I. 5l.

Harlev 451 73. T'rpty I SHfit r-l rwt. f-l-er ll!) 1J Sfl rwt. l.arl i TT $4 00. r-w-- t-- 4 a m.

'ir Ijt: S.n- Can. Mare. Wireleaa Washington. Nov. 20.

AP The administration returned to the raising of the domestic "gold price today, setting a figure of $33.66 an ounce, in the face of the opposition to the policy registered Saturday by the board of the Chamber of Commerce of the United Statea. Subsequently. st)rh gold actually bought by the RFC was disclosed by Chairman -j-e If. Jones to amount to 2S5.O00 ounces. Jones Indicated that purchases in London and Paris have been about equally livlded The va'ue of the domestic gold purchased was placed by him st $7,500,000.

a ho: noorer, w. 1 Mi-hian R.ei Maine ireen Mountain, fast 41 1 'entral State Kl-C. Cities Service r. 1 3' r-1. 0 Ll'-T I'TS 4I! 5 I'.

a Kl' tvjr, 4i, n'- and North iMikoi .1 aas ommonwealh Kdiaon Commonwealth It South Wr. Cord Corp. hlesao Fnttire. f'foae Nov. JO.

-1 ir' quo- Mr. and Mr Gordon i it, Bryan su ur-i iy and Sund.iT Mr. K. 11 mother. Mr J.

T. Autterwn. A of th t. t'om-munttr chorua he held at P. m.

T'iUj In th- hom of Mr, 2f'i North Fourth tTc'n-l- No. 3. FUt otxtt church, will W't f-T potluck dinner n-l htiitici. meet-tr at 12.U P- ln.dy in th home of Mr. 1'owrie, 't-rtton avenue.

Marine ity Hrw-fa Mra. Tyler, ltroit. the Kuet of trl-n la tn thi cttv. im Mr. and Mr John Cleveland, -r- I If 1.

Hi' 'V C-tj hlraa. ttalrr Vci IT'itter. re'e'pt rarrerr score 4J. tvti Chi. tation Ch a e- 1 7 'i I I 1 4.

m. TV An international competition Is developing for the fastest Irships and steamships. Commercial experts say that Spued trado follows the fastest transportation and forgets the flag. America leads to date in air speed with the Varney lines between San Francisco and Los Angeles as the fastest commercial transport. All the other nations are hurrying to July.

heat May F.I. Bon- a Knar Ford Motor of Canada "A' Kord Motor. Md Oni? Oil Corp. Pa. Merla Mmlna 51HSH; 1 rn 7S: May.

S. Sa 1 9 rtaat a c- I 7 r- iimc -7. 17 a 17t, standards. 1 f'rr-R rti 1 eair: ettra r. e.

2'r tr 11 tM, car-rt snei i mt f. a 1 air mm Walker, 41. W. Hudson Ray. J-I-T type.

11 111 e4 r-ec. 35. Mav. July Kve-lw May. July.

Parier 4: May. iS July 521.. l-ard II IT. Jan. 15.77; Mar.

Beliie I Jan, I 4V. Humble ril Ref Imp fn'l new rntatoe Nov 20 Potatoes dull a. light, shipper tearing grmrera. ft. t.h for r.

a. nrf Interna t- pet Newrriont Mlnin beat us. Bleriot predicted a speed of 600 miles an hour. Folland says a thousand within the next two decades. J.reey type.

I Viralni harreis. Je-asy trs- 9 1.7S; poor 7SSI1 Tomtoea ohio vr house, medium. 4, s'ona. med urn ta ls'. TuTiina Vlra-inia Iuisina k-mrsad It No.

1. rtser reB.l--nt of thi city. 7 US 7S 1S ss 41 IS 3J 1 IIS IIS IS ss H4 IIS us 2 I 14 8S IS IV -its KS I MS JS IS I US 4 US is 4S ts 4 IS US 2 1 1 IS JS Ikrtrelt r.oltrr hen. tw I 5. ttdr i ism- hrn hen.

.1 sr. 41, rn.i-nrn Htvk. -d all 4, Ich -rn ill No. rnriv tjrittl. 11 r-1 tl 12: old NV.

4. 4, du k. p'srli ar-. 4: graph of a real passnort with the ji ter. The latest code being prepared ian seal of the department of state and CordeH Hull's signature nartlv vis Hud, fow aear Hud p.

'A" War. Nipissina Mne Pennroad Corp. Stand, Oil. Jnd stand. Oil.

KT. stan1. Oil. o. Sw ft Co Bear Swift Int t'nited Oa Telerfa mh f.rain.

lne Tolesio. Nov. J. Today closins; quo- VVft.jt-ll 1-t 47 W. Corn 5 Oat a ft 4-1 flye ii 74 nnwKi Prime.

17.. Alke New terk FT" for submiaion to the NRA is for nurses employed in hospitals. i i 4 4 V. 4 1 I' J-i -f. li T-liw I- r.i...ii 7 r-f- 4 1 i -c.

4 2. VI Jlft. l4r-t 1 Trt. ft M-- Tobr J1. I--- ti-i-'.

F-irc-t- I H. i 51 a. i--. 3 I'-- 'n. t-: i li i-- -n.

wv 4 -v--, -'4, 1ir--m. n.j. Ivp lt. 7 D. rff, sv t.

4 V''v A'. 't i l.Tl C. WJ. J- 45, 4 u. W.

1. i 5-'F--nr. Strata Mrkr V.kl"w v't. Ti pr 7 1 m. t-5 4 TV'J- Vt 1 Mi i --k m.

ible. The next day the department store told that this was i patent straiahta. I.4 They don't se None why they should work 12 hour a a serious federal offense. It took s'raiaht. l4 -a By flour a'eady rFTR04T TOf IJT one of the a f.jj day to straighten things out with Uncle Sam.

day for seven days and receive only her h- '-'e her cousin and fct. lfe. Mr. and Mn. C-raM i North Third street, for the winter, Mr.

and Mra. F. A. Feltier entertained an I Sjnd.iv Mr. an-1 Mr.

JFred Merrt'l lort l-h-tn. O-v. and Mr. and Mra lUrry I An.1rw, Mr. A.

A. Ks been catl'tl to Cht--v on cf ti hicn on I try -4i rt the M-k. hr-v IS pmin1 IS Iehrn a. i 1. e.vred.

ttlH; -t H. jotmar It, tt -r. 2i a p. 4 l-eer- i-1 4i $50 per month. The movement for organization and recognition Norman Bei-Oeddcs.

famous Ik-tnrit avth l.rain. lew riroit. N-- 2cy T-1 quo-a i. Wheat No. I red.

In carina 4 lot. d. o-nt. Crn No. Xo.

3 yellow 5 5. No. i wh'te. 41; No. 3 4'i.

SV, 74 Eariey57 7i I w-wwra New Tork nt 7 1 miit arrive. Hay "teady; St. I- No i. HUM: p.i or.w Steady; N- It stage scenic designer, is now work V3 duck. -1 r.

hen rj-v 4-1 1 t--rr. 17. 4 Eady: yornc No. 2 1S. Mean 'tdr: VarTa.

started very quietly in New York and during the last four weeks has gathered strength in other cities. Cut rate competition from unemployed free-lance i a red nurses and stern hospital discipline have so far prevented open Bower corn, l-U'fojf ha Add. Marh. fitn, i. "hrvsier Con.

Oil e-roit Clereian-1 Ki. cm Eir-ello A'rrraft Tool 'ier-eral M-itor. com. Hll Ijarcp. err, Hottdaiiie-Hersftey Hudson Motor roaer Mfchiaan Suaar, pS4.

Rsrk-t. w. R.v- Paper om. SocffBT Vactiara her brother-tn-lw. v.

Haien. I MemVera of the Moth-j er cf -r fn'W Catholic II gidoey 1 4 New 1 ark rwltry Nw T-r. rtre.aed. Ia.Steady, Ma.rte. c-, r.

4 fy 1 Osd rora-er -ta. and fro 1 1 f-r- si- i i ing on automobile designs The object is to fcHleHghi cut down sharply on Wejht New York high school principal, who bought their jobs will be out of luck when Fusion takes "Tis said that some, of them would have had trouble proving they can read and write Only one-sixth of the locomotives on Clan I railroads are less than 10 years old. Street suggests it's time the. others were pensioned. rk.r.

No. 14 1UOe4; k. t''k 17; total 17. S. -at" f-eh 1' 91'; frjf 53-fT-en ctv.trrh wtil roiv ioit common-i at R-a am.

i v. Mr. and Mr. rvM rd h.iv. vot wctal week in hre th'v were t''! on io.vnt the of Mr.

A famous New York depart fVond. New Tork. Nit. Zn 1 oa prices; 4 JS-47. fourth 4 3 3-, '--I 4 Res.

.71 ttil 1 T-4-I-v--4 4 7-S2. $: 24: 4. 44- 54. tm. 4-S.

iSt, 4- J. 43-47. 44.11; 4 1-4i Ma'rh, 1:5. 44-4S, 3. 144 I.i'rty 4'sa, 33-34.

U1 Ji; p-rtir 41. -13-34 Trea-ttr i-4 5. I.l; Trearary 41. 1. ii), Sunday li; howt 4 i X-i 1.

K-i- 't T. talt Mjmt4 ut st. vnr. Lb-nf. m.

I' Pir.r. 2 --r r--- r-nk. n. SI r-i a. m.

-iayi A 4 ment store recently advertised erai. demand an r- i ta'- wns-n some fancy suitcases. To make 1.2J; fw hiier; 1 IVfrwit Wry rr- 71 7sv rereip. ri 14-j, treks. HIT rriT-y tn tuh.

J5 8I3. The home of former Secretary of th Treasury Hugh McfTultoch. who served under Bincoln, still stands in Fort Wayne, Ind. II. 17 T.I: Nor I the ad more Psa alisfic it contained the photo- IdlV II 44t(l 41-; TOwMaati 1.4.

DICKIE DARE Traletnarh K-fi'ritico APri ed rtr. c. S. Patent OfTlc. By Milton Caniff Watchful Waiting a MORA SSJ early "TLS -t- "Ci ps as 1 i reported.

4' t5; 1 SJIC AROUHO UN' I U43 1 Ref waa jyMM" I -tT Srouto uat "XS LOVELV pfZi4CBiS Sw5 7Vtr HCavf WAYS A WO i ADMIT? aAU TO OUTUftr THIS BSAST W0 HAS "TJIATPEO ev.0tsTi.y Ase STAT7ON0 AT rrsite4. jemn-i per Tre pbczss' wroou AND PINO fr nearer reoi-ren 4' as WONT I'LL. 1 I ir CTT tsj 1 k'tOC -T EH -mass 1 a T4l 4 our lat b4nwy cf harti TriaOJTf-TO CaTSCtC MY THe TJj2ClJrNP jomc suATf to oer It wienia ova I j. -4. 1 ava kng ht to 7 HfM-f 'ft eSitw, OMfV-erO 2 Aft N-.

i i.7a;. tv tvk rfdwV V--" ar rl'50-4-e jf aP4ar I BVJF I. ill: riark K-1 ye ir W-Ji' .1 2LA $im Ha G2fJ aSsrw-J IV Yam raa AS. -i CTK Te-E" ospsr op hi: iTM Al30M, rS CN 0r A fiCai- STCTXeV Ti-Tr rrs AiADD.s'5 sO T-e rlAC Kmpofia, Ka. "vafl tTUZ thC 1 uau I 5elf--tTAte eAsy: I V- oea the I A -V OLD COMPANY LEHIGH la harlrr H.ww-r Iam Icwirrr.

trial will f04 lm-e yr. May we haie the tte or-W! Port Huron Storage Bean Co. I vaster M. rtfrwa Till Br 5 rctsrlfl IP" 4 of Km po'i lenrd Marty jnUor. a i et I tiftt 1 .1 rf m.

eP HBO CAPTZfZ AZS O1 f)fPr'e86KTO1WIOirS la fgt '-r e.rht pf ii AUO I.

The Times Herald from Port Huron, Michigan (2024)
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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.