The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post, Western Countries and South Wales Advertiser from Bristol, Bristol, England (2024)

THE BMST0L MERCURY, AND WESTERN COUNTIES ADVERTISER, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1866. net. rivals of Mouravieff. This may go on for a time, but it must have art end, and I greatly fear it will be a very flottcess. ftottcea CLERK, by a respectablo Young Man.

Good references l. can be given. Address Post-ofBce, Devizes, 7800 agent places great reliance upon liquor, but complains that as the election draws near the voters will not drink beer they insist upon brandy, and bring their families with them for At Reigate, as we have already seen, the agent bought up growing vegetables, languishing pigs, lively tabbies, and an old hatj we forgot to notice that he also purchased a cannon. At Lancaster one "free and enlightened" elector got 10 in money, and had his house papered another promised his vote if the Liberals "would stand chest of drawers," but got the price of two or three of those articles from the Tories, and eventually voted Conservative while several of the electors' wives TO ADVERTISERS. The BRISTOL MERCURY has a olronlatlon Tbebie the CONTEMPORARY NUMBERS OP ANV OTHER BRISTOL PAPER, and is tho Leawbo Newspaper in Bristol, the Western Counties, and South Wales.

Prepaid Advertisem*nts are Inserted at the following charges SIXPENCE FOR TEN WORDS. ONE SHILLING FOR TWENTY WORDS. And Sixpence for every additional Ten Words. The same Advertisem*nts are inserted in the DAILY POST published in conjunction with Saturday's Mercury) as follows: SIXPENCE FOR TWENTY WORDS. NINEPENCE FOR THIRTY WORDS.

And Threepence for every additional Ten Words. These charges apply only to the classes of Advertisem*nts enumerateu neiow, ann are bthiutjjji uumikhu WHICH ABE PAID FOR FREVIOUB TO INSERTION, Situations Wanted Situations Vacant Sales byPrivate Contract Houses to be Let Apartments Wanted partnerships wanted Money Wanted Money to be Lent Miscellaneous Wants Abticles Lost Apartments to be Let Articles1 Found. Any Advertisem*nt ot the above classes inserted Twice conseoutiveiy in tue uauy fosi may oe luborieu ing Saturday's Mercury at the same rate as in the Post. Immensely greater publicity 1b insured through these widely circulated and influential media than through any other Journal in the West of England. Remittances may oe made in Postage Stamps.

OFFICE 35, BROAD STREET, BRI3TOL. APPRENTICES. Wanted, two active GIRLS. Apply to R. Cousins.

Draper. West-Btreet. 7910 ANTED, APPRENTICE to the Berlin and Fancy Business, 10, Triangle. L' TQREWER'S CASKS wanted. AddresB George Wigcns, li lfi.

moll. street. Bristol. 15775 7831 "ANTED, a General SERVANT, about 30 years of apfe. Au ft i rR7flf.

'ANTED, on good security, 250, at 6 per cent. Address A. 1j, jjhscoi aieicury-umuB. lu' 10 COACH BUILDBRS. A BODY MAKKR Wanted, at Mr im KfiwuTfiH's.

uoaon-DUiiaer. uaraiu, TTiRAFJURS QKOCEKa. Wanted, Junior KouDgMfl-iH I I nr A HTnnH f7R72 It. AUU KWO. liitiki v-finawuwuA j.

ANTED, a good COUNTRY CARPENTER. -Apply TlnT.n,f naiantw WplncrtnTl. T7SRG UCU1V ult.puH.., b. u. WANTED, an expeditious PAFERHANGKU.

wageB. Apply, 151, High-street, Merthyr. Liberal T7867 ANTED, a BRASS CASTER, at Mr. Harris's, 6, Lower Castle-street, Bristol. 8005 ANTED, 60 (, repayable by instalments.

Addresa Bristol Mercury-office. 7877 ANTED, a BAKING BUSINESS, -or to take the Management of one. Address Baker, Bristol Mercury-office. w- ANTED, an APPRENTICE. No premium required.

Apply to reters ana xayier, xio, neuouu-mreob, oimui, 5738 7813 WANTED, COOPERS, accustomed to brewers' work, at Fraley 80, Eedolifl-street also, an APPRENTICE required. L7984 TO HARNESS MAKERS. Wanted, a steady WORKMAN, at E. J. Barr and Son'B, Saddlers and Harness Makers, 1, College-Btreet, Bristol.

SCHOOL ASSISTANTS. Wanted, an English TEAUUfltt in a Commercial School, Prepaid letters to be addressed to PoBt-oftioe, North-Btreet. 8015 mo TAILORES8KS. One or two good COAT FINISHERS I after the Machine eood button-hole workers preferred. Apply at No.

18, Langton-street, Cathay. 7920 WANTED, Young Men for the GENERAL DKAPHJttx. Good hands. Apply immediately to Lewis, Brothers, Stroud. E'878 "ANTED, a Young Man for the GROCERY, and an cx-mirlpnrwil IfAttmtn for the DRAPERY.

Apply Knight, Brothers. North Petberton. 7876 WANTED, a good Plain COOK, for a small family, residing at the sea-side. No children. Wages good.

Address CEL. Boh 217, Post-oilloo, Bristol. SHOEMAKERS. Wanted, MEN, on Men's light work, Women's work, and Girls' work. Constant employment.

Apply Mr. Herbert, Queen-street, Gloucester. t'879 ANTED, a respectable FEMALE to take the Manage-ment of a Dairy. Liberal Wages given. Address A PoBt-office, Swindon, Wilts.

7874 APPRENTICE Wanted, for the best HARNESS Trade. -Apply to Douty, branch of the Patent Leather 6718 7783 Collar Maker, upper mauaua-street. AUCTIONEERS OTHERS. An Opening for an active PARTNER and also for a PUPIL. Apply to Daniel EvanB and Son, Auctioneers, Cheltenham.

5854 a FOREMAN, who has had good I of. oot.Hno' Anrilu. Kdmund Nioholls. Waterloo Bread and Flour Stores, Swansea. 7802 TO MILLERS.

Wanted, MILL-CHISELS to DRESS. a i tn Sumiiel shlnwav. Tresham. Hawkesbury all orders nunctually attended to. 7804 TO TALLOW CHANDLERS.

wanted, thoroughly understands Candle Making. MAN that Address Mr. 8712 7850 ANTED, a respeotable SLAUGHTERMAN, steady, 1 mn.1.1nr. Ida TlttY TOnnlr finri board. Apply Brunswick leader-vBice, Swansea.

6716 7846 'ANTED, experienced STAYPRESSIOKS, AlsoMaohine FiriTntii. finnstant work. AdpIv to J. Ellis and 59. Ula lHnrKec-Bircci.

WANTED immediately, an experienced WAlTKHiBB. Annlv. -nith fHll narticulars, Railway Hotel, Weston- ciinpr-Mfirfi. 7845 GOVERNESS wanted for two little girls, Salary 46, (inclosing stamp), stating acquirements r.iwo Afinov. Livernool.

5666 98 'ANTED, for the Haberdashery Business, an experienced vniiMR. man ayidIv to James Bevan, Ironmonger, Ac. Trowbridge. Wilts. 5663 7709 "NOOK (good, plain, confidential), BMAN (garden, Btable 8 WantoA oiinrHr Good wnffes for eood service.

Z. 38. Priuce's-Btreet. Bristol. 7931 XT ANTED in a Farm-hpuBe, a respectable young Poroon to AddreBS Black Horse PoBt, Passage-road, near Bristol.

16787 7oo0 a MANTLE OUT- at James Lodge and Company's, 49, Wine-street, Bristol. "ANTED, a respeotable person, about 80 years old, as Rw.Kfmn at, SERVANT: must be a good plain cook and butter maker. -Address W. J. Marsh, Loridge, near Berkeley.

WANTED, pushing MEN, to Sell a new Invention. SfiTsral Pounds tier week may be realised. Apply, with stamned envelone, C. Midgeley and Engineers. California, Halifax.

6710 7861 ANTED, GARDENER and GROOM (single man), to mnir nftpr a small pni'den. drive a Dair when wanted, and understand Btable work. Address Mercury office, Bristol, WANTED, by the 29tb of September, a DWELLING-HOUSE and Garden, with a small Faddook(Rcnt not to exceed 20), near BriBtol. Apply at Reform Tavern, Broad-street, Bristol. I8018 ANTED, by a respectable Young Man, a Situation as GROOM or Coaohman.

Can ride or drive welLTwo yenrB' reoommendation. Age 22; single-Address Pnnt-nfflce. Wrineton. near Bristol. 7982 rrio HATTERS.

Wanted, a good BODY-MAKER, also, a iTTr T.r-T7-i.,D liiriMlKTTNlH ftnnd nrtnen anil oonBtant work for steady to C. Stooke, Stationer, Lawrenoc-hlll. '800s TffTANTED immediately, at Clark's oldest Office-keepers, St. Augustine's-place, Bristol, Ladies' -maldB, Nurses, Cooks, Housemaids, Parlour-maids, Butlers, Grooms, and Gflneral Servants. 7979 PARTNERSHIP.

Wanted, a gentleman with 500 to 1000, in a Briok, Tile, and Drain-pipe Works. Full particulars, to principals only, by applying to Mr. Samuel Stcnhens. Post-offlce, Plymouth. 7999 ANTED, at Michaelmas next, by a resident Family in w.v.

(rmiil not Ighb than 30 years of aire Good 'reference required. Also, R. Post-office, Weymouth. 7600 TO BOOT AND SHOE majiBjito. wamea, a gooa WOMAN'S HAND.

Must be perfectly Bteady permanent situation-Apply to K. Tucker's Boot and Shoe Warehouse, Wel 1 b. Somerset. I7 1 80 TO BOOT AND SHOE MAIvlUKEj. anieu, a gouu, Birong WORKMAN on Watertight, for the at Messrs.

Frauds and Leather Merchants, 5, Old inotfet-Rtrcet. Bristol, L7SJ0 PARTNERSHIP. Wanted immediately, a PARTNER, with 1000 capital, in an old-estnbl shed Address, stating correct name and residence, Profit," General Bristol. L'Jii "ANTED within two or three miles of Bristol, a run of WW frnm 25 to bU ACroB ux Aimiii ui.u.j 7 irom to ou n.vj nf'Hnrflolrt nrpfprrfirt "yr'j TIN. iUUJN, jlmv-j.

Wanted immefllately, for the Country, one or two HANDS, in the above Hue-Apply, stating -age iand references to Meisri. White una Son, Ironmongers, Christchurch, Hants. ZT wtm1 TJT A Jtrr. ANTED immediately, several respeotable Men, of good SinTrfii a for one of SP.l.f rrsoclltie the World. Re- exceedingly Fost-offlce, Totter- 'ANTED, a respectable, conscientious Young Woman as ToiiRsw.

she muBt be a good Needlewoman and nofobTctcdV-ApplTatMo 1 a liir.nnnli nr Q.rmgn Trnrimtunr. Clliwn, tsrisroi. 'ANTED, by a single gentleman, a respectable -miflttic- at 8, Blenheim-square i Saturday, from live iu buycu, i (8018 nnrnni.nniC Wnritoil YnllTl (V T.nHw. also, a XUUJNtf mar, uuucutviiwiiv references, and who do not know their W. H.

May, Draper, Frome, Somerset, u'8 ANTED, a GROOM to look after moKney aorseB, Kitchen Garden, drive one norse oveuBiuuuuy, uu uiou himself genoTally useful. Married. Wife employed as and paid usual price per dozen. HouBe and Garden found. Good references.

Address Box 291, Post-omee, Bristol. o-DS -080 ANTED, in one of the prinoipal towns of South WaleB, st a T.TffKiiT am. tn manaffe a branch business in the Retail Leather Cutting Trade Salary liberal a married man preferred satisfactory reference required, and also good seourity to a small amount. Apply Bristol Mercury-office 6043 amtf.d. (i Firm of Public Accountants, a Gentleman nnmnptnnr.

to tikp. the entire charere of the Audit -Denart- ment. A thorough knowledge of the accounts of iron-works nnmnpr. pfimnftTilfis nrereTred. Good exoerience.

and a knowledge of the routine of well-ordered office to Box 259, Post-office, Bristol. 7903 'ANTED immediately, in a highly reBpeotablc Ladies' or nnftnn. nYniinp Eadv to assist the Junior Teaoher wlto the Junior Pupils. In return for her services. REOU1RED immeoiateiy, in a uvikm ouuuui, i.

iuuu tSHt onm tn 15. who would be willing to SBSiBt C.I 1 VntTMP occasionally in plain needlework. A good education, with hoard will be given, and a low premium only expeoted. One whose Sueatlon has been neglected would find tfiis an Alpha, Mr. Davies.

Statoer, ni.h fJ.rsm. Hereford. A Ladv. residing with her parents in the country, three miles from Bath, wishes to increase the number of her They are treated entirely as members of the family, rapus. t.

the l. health and hapDiness. PCPILo require -Address Jennings's Library, Prince'fl-DUiiuiuisti, she will te taugnt sue uiyinsr uiuuuuw A uhb. French mUBicnnd Blnging; also board and washing, for 12 a yewf-Apply. by letter, to Post-office, Clifton, near Bristol.

7998 Woody one." The insurrection in the Caucasus turns out to be much more serious than the Bussian press at first admitted. Instead of being a small and insignificant disturbance, it appears that the affair was really formidable. Ou the 27th of July, 7000 Circassians attacked Soukum Kale, then garrisoned by 600 Kuseians, and on the same day captured the town. Subsequently 11,000 Russians arrived on the spot, and drove out the insurgents. The latter must then have been reinforced, for fhpv rpnewed their attacks, but were always repulsed with heavy loss.

Intelligence of later date states that the insurgents have submitted to the Russian officials. The Bombay mail brings further details of a deplorable character respecting the famine in Bengal and certain portions of the Madras Presidency. The Indian journals L.v tliRmselves with the "Simla scandal" the court-martial on Captain Jervis for alleged misappro- priation of stores, including pickles "and indulge in severe censures on the conduct of Sir VV. Mansfield, the prosecutor whose name is only too weu rememoereu Ungland in connexion with the scandalous court-martial at Mho w. The condition of the Indian telegraph between Bombay and Kurrachee is alleged to be disgraceful." The assertion is one which many persons in this country can fully corroborate, the charges being enormous, and the irregularity and delay in transmitting messages almost beyond belief.

Great excitement prevails in the United States with reference to the forthcoming elections. 'Ihe struggle between the President and the Kadical faction is one of life and death. If the latter succeed in retaining their present majority in both Houses, they will doubtless impeach the President, and attempt to oust him from his office. Mr. Johnson, on the other hand, has publicly stated that the late Congress -was not a legal body, that its designs were abhorrent to the constitution of the United States, and that its acts must be forthwith reversed in order to restore tranquillity to the country.

To assist in upsetting the party hitherto predominant, the President is about to use his tremendous power of dismissing every public servant who repudiates his policy and ns he has 100,000 places at his entire control, it is evident that his screw will exert a powerful nressure on the electors. It is again announced that ex-President Davis is about to be released on bail. He is said to be fast sinking from a mortal disease. Rumours of further Fenian raids on Canada also prevail, but they are probably untrustworthy. On the Colonial side of the frontier, however, the Government and people are on the alert, and we have a striking proof of the spirit of the inhabitants in the fact that two hundred and forty volunteer companies had tendered their services in the space of a fortnight.

The Mexican is verjr unfavourable to the Imperialist cause. General Mejia, who long maintained Matamoros against the Republicans, has gone over to his former enemies, with his whole division perhaps the best native force that Maximilian had. At Matamoros, the authorities have given in their adhesion to Canales, one of the Liberal leaders. The Belgian legion, which went out 3000 strong, can now only muster 800 bayonets, and the men are neither fed nor paid. They would gladly leave the country, but they can get no money to take them home, and they are threatened with actual starvation.

Our readers will rejoice to learr. thtit the Atlantic cable of 1865 has been recovered, and that the operations for its complete submersion to Newfoundland are likely to be finished to-day. Some details of the expedition will be found elsewhere, by which it will be seen that the task of "fishing" for the wire, at a depth of two miles and a quarter, extended -over upwards of three weeks, during which period the cable was several times grappled and raised only to be subsequently lost. Undaunted by repeated failures, the expedition persevered, and success at length crowned its labours. The effect of this second great achievement upon the shares of the undertaking has, of course, been marked.

The Anglo-American Telegraph 10 shares have been sold this week at 17, being 6 10s. higher than on Saturday last, while the Atlantic Telegraph eight per cent, preference shares, which were quoted at G5 a week ago, have since risen to 95. A further improvement is likely to be noted as soon as the second line is in full operation. The mortality from cholera in London is still declining. The deaths during each of the last five weeks, as reported by the Registrar-General, have been, respectively, 1053, 781, 455, 265, and 198 and the improvement is known to be proceeding this week.

We regret to learn, however, that the pest has again become very fatal in Liverpool, where a decrease was reported iu our last number. It appears that oat of 592 deaths registered in that town during the seven days ending last Saturday, 225 were from cholera (79 more than the former return) and 78 from diarrhoea. Several cases are reported from Merthyr and South Devon, but on the whole the mortality has greatly diminished. Bristol still maintains the distinction of being the healthiest large town in the kingdom. As was anticipated last week, the directors of the Bank of England on Thursday reduced the minimum rate of discount to five per cent.

a fall of five per cent, in three weeks, and the lowest rate which has been fnnMinA -fni. tliB last, eleven months. The Bank return whir linn since been issued shows that the establish- mont. tins ncrnin strengthened its resources, the amount of bullion having reached the large sum of 16,195,000, whilst the "reserve" of notes and gold is now 0,973,000, n. further decline in the value of money is apparently inevitable, the directors are said to be un- willing to mane anouier reuuuuuu vyituuui- gicou uc-liberation," and it is doubtless desirable that no unnecessary stimulus should be given to speculation.

Already a loan for one of the Australian colonies has hppn liroimht out. and it is said that three or four foreign governments are about to enter the market. We regret to learn that great damage has been done to the outstanding grain crops in the Midland and Northern counties by the violent storms of wind and rain that have prevailed for upwards of a week. It is stated that the harvest will be a very protracted one, much of the corn still in the fields requiring at least a fortnight or three weeks' fine weather to secure it in good condition. Complaints are heard in various quarters respecting the spread of the potato disease, DUC there IS reasoQ iu ueneve man me tiup im iuuio will this year be unusually large and good.

It is satis factory, also, to observe that the cases or cattle disease sank last week to the insignificant number of 99, or 49 fewer than the previous week, 206 sheep, however, were attacked during the week. THE ELECTION COMMISSIONS. It must be confessed, we fear, that the proceedings before thp. Election Commissioners at Yarmouth, Totnes, Lan caster, and Reigate, are not calculated to impress the mind with a jdeep horror ot brmery. xne onence is constitutionally a great one, and morally is not a light one.

-The voter is intrusted with his vote by the Constitution for public purposes, and he sells it for so much cash or liquor. There can be no doubt about the criminality of the acti while the exposures of wholesale depravity that have been going on for the past fortnight might well excite some anxiety as to the future prospects of the country. As we read the reports of the inquiries, however, instead of learning amoral lesson that awakens our horror ana regret, we nna mat we are eniei-uuueu by a succession of the best jokes that the subject admits of. It is true these are not of the most refined, or even of the cleverest sort still they appear to be effective in their way, and to convulse good-humoured audiences at proper intervals. The Commissioners, to do them justice, do their best to bring out the confessions of the men brought before them, so as clothe them in the most effective jocular shape a genial hilarity pervades the scene the tribunal is in excellent spirits not to say that the opening which is afforded into a world or laxity and baseness appears to impart a sort of moral comfort to observers who can look down with a calm superiority upon a mass of peccadilloes to which they do not themselves feel any temptation.

The vision, in lnrlinrnns nsnect. of human infirmities which are not more than what we expect from human nature under difficulties is evidently widely esteemed, and leads, we presume, amongst those who think themselves serene and comfortable musings upon humanity and the world in general. It must be allowed, also, that the exposures just made are much more extraordinary and grotesque than any of the discoveries on preceding occasions. Where can we find a narallel to the cool assurance ol bir iiamuna Lacon, who has been connected with Yarmouth all his life, and who possesses unusual sources of information as a banker and a brewer, and yet who declares he has stood two fiercely-contested elections without the slightest knowledge that bribery was perpetrated on his behalf Where, again, can we find a rival to the Liberal agent in the same town, who coolly admits that he is up to all systems of bribery, through his extensive experience, who gives his reasons for preferring the ticket system of corruption, and who admits having bribed some 236 electors one-fourth of the number that polled for the exact sum of 3922 10s. 1 Or to take the case of the "Honourable" Mr.

Monson at Reigate. When did we before hear of a candidate who, by the industry of his agents and the liberality of the electors, became" the possessor of twenty rows of garden peas for the mere song ot lOarow a dying pig lor the trifle of 15 10s. about a score of cats at the small price of a pound a head and an old hat, which was said to go rlirr, p.hpan nt, fivp and fnvtv shillmpH If men of affluence and position are found ready to bribe, it is childish to suppose that electors will not be found ready to be bribed, whatever be their grade in life. The evidence of some of the witnesses, however, is sufficiently startling. At Totnes, we hear of two clergymen who are plainly charged with showing a desire to sell their votes.

At Yarmouth, the Liberal man in the moon was staggered at the conduct of the well-to-do electors. In other towns at which he had operated," it had always been easy to find respectable tradesmen with some zeal for the cause, who would become the captain of a canvassing district but in Yarmouth such persons expected to be paid at least 200 a piece. As to men who took bribes, the same witness declared that many were individuals a respectable position in life, who ought to have been above taking money and I gave them each a little sermon on the sin of bribery." The picture suggested by this last stroke may be left to the imagination of the reader. It is the nearest approach to "Satan reproving sin which hag 'J come within our knowledge. The modes employed to influence the corruptible; part a i 3 ui a cuiisuiueiiuy vary in uuieruub lucuuues, auu aepend perhaps to some extent on the imagination anct tact of the agents.

At one place we hear of a party of voters being treated to lamb and green peas for ii week or two, until tuey bccfttBe perfectly obqdjent. Another a at If a by to the of to out can we last the yet is of the our of he yon If this in is of she his the the for of to is out kFFICES to be LET. The First Floor (front) of the Royal lnBuranee-hulldings to be at the Offices be LET, with Immediate possession. a WAREHOUSE, 1 well adapted for any wholesale business, Apply at 55, Broadmead. TO be LET, those extensive Premises 27 and 28, BRIDGE-STREET, suitable for any Sussex-villa, Ashley-hill.

5763 7839 nnO be LET, an old-established Double-licensed HOUSE, in JL a principal thoroughfare. Cause of leaving, Ul Bristol Mercury-office. 7933 TOte LET, a large YARD, SHED, Ac, suitable for the erection of a Factory. Apply to P. H.

Williams and 13, Corn-street, Bristol. 79C0 SU.7ESTBURY-0N-TRYM.- TobeLET.CLIFFT-HOUSF, with Gardens, Stables, and Coach-house. nd Coach-bouse. Bent .60. Apply to Mr.

Sims, Builder, Wesibury-on-Trym. 67C2 7i35 TO be LET, handsomely furnished, 8, VYVXAN-TKK-RACE, Clifton-park. The house is in good repair, and a gentleman's family will find in it every accommodation. (797G TO be LET, either in part or the whole, PREMISES noiv occupied by MesBrs. Rowley, in Old Market-street, Bristol.

Apply to Thomas, Bacchus, 14, Old Market-street, Bristol. 7937 TO be LET, at FELTON, WINFORD. ihe RESIDENCE of tbe late Jos. Dew, with or without 10 Acres of good PASTURE LAND. For terms address J.

H. Btdlir, Bishop's Lydeard, Somerset. 7888 BRISTOL. To be LET, an old-established SPIRIT and BEERHOUSE, where a shipping trade is done the present proprietor leaving to take another business through a death in the family. Address Ship, Bristol Mercury-office.

7896 SpattmrntB- TO be LET, UufnrnishedAPARTMENTS, at20, Pdtchard-street, St. Paul's. 7935. mobe LET, well Furnished A PA RT MENTS in a Private House, eligibly situated at Address Beatrice, Post-office, Redland. 5736 78il PARTMENTS, suitable for one or two Gentlemen who i- dine In the City; well and comfortably finished.

Attendance given. Bishop-street, Portland-square, Address Daily Post Office. r5745 7785 TO be LET. UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS, a SifctiDg-room, and one or two Bedrooms, in a convenient, cheerful, and healthy part, five minutes' walk from Viotoria-rooms no children or other lodgers. TermB moderate.

Address, Rooms, BriBtol Mercury-office. (7023 LOST, at Six o'clock, Friday Evening, August 31st, a French Poodle Tulip-eared DOG, with one black ear, and black spot on Bide of head. Answers to Filley. Whoever will bring the Barae to Chas. lies, Kingswood-hlll, will be handsomely rewarded.

LOANS WITHOUT DEDUCTION at 26, Small-street The full amount applied for advanced. 5092 7126 BONA FIDE MONEY SPECULATION. 8.000,000 Sterling, guaranteed by Government, are annually divided in Monthly Allotments in various Sums upwards to 25.000 Sterling. An Investment of 1 may secure 25,000 Sterling. For Prospectus fwhich will be sent gratis), apply to FREDERICK SINTZ, Banker, Frankfort-on-the-Maine; or Letters addressed to him, at 8, Three King-court, Lombard-street, London, E.

wil )be immediately torwanied.C4311 6205 ask SHAi'TR. KAILS. HOOPS, and every description of bent timber to order. A. Munro, 7784 MR.

and MRS. KING still continue to PURCHASE Ladies and Gentlemen's Left -off WEARING APPAREL. Ladles waited on privately, as usual, by Mrs. Kiug. Address W.

KiDg, 5, Lawrence-mil, Bristol. tviwa A VACANCY in a Ladies' School in Wilts, where only six boarders are received. Terms (inclusive of musio and 20 Guineas ner annum. Reference to parents in Bristol. Address Scholastic, Dally Post, Bristol.

5765 7837 A National Schoolmistress, residing in a beautiful and henlthv tiart of MonmoutbBbire. haB ACCOMMODA TION for TWO CHILDREN as BOARDERS. They would receive every kindness and attention. For terms and references, address, Post-office, Pontypool. 7866 MEDICAL.

A Physician giveB ADVICE GRATIS daily, from 11 till 1 (Sundays excepted), and every Evening, from 7 till 9. at Mr. Hawker's (late Hawkins), Chemist, 6, Newfoundland-Btreet, BriBtol. 7394 TriOR ONE SHILLING ONLY 1-WATCHES 1 WATCHES I snPKRSTSnMni One nf these wonderful POCKET TIME-KEEPERS, with appendages, warranted correct, will keep in going order for years. Selling by thousands.

Bent poet free for 13 stamps three sent for 30 stamps. A ddress Hind and 18, Portland-road, Kcneington-park, London. tO'alJ SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 8, 1866. NEWS OP THE WEEK. An unexpected change has taken place in the composition of the French Ministry, M.

Drouyn de Lhuys having resigned his post as Minister of Foreign Affairs, The reason of his retirement, dismissal, or wnatever it may be, remains a secret. Some persons suppose it originated in the Emperor's refusal to press the right of France to compensation as an equipoise to Prussian annexation. The ex-Minister was well known to be opposed to Prussian aggression, and to be favourable to Austria, and it is thought that his retention of office was an obstacle to the preservation of a good understanding between the Courts of Berlin and Paris. His successor, M. de Moustier, who has for some time acted as French ambassador at Constantinople, is supposed to have been selected for the office by reason of his connexion with the Prussian Court and his personal friendship with Count BiBmark.

"'Many sinister rumours are current respecting the health of the French Emperor, but they are believed to be exaggerated if not altogether unfounded. Another supposed canard is furnished by the Pall Mall Gazette, which asserts that an Orleanist propaganda lias been begun in France, and, aided by discontent at the Emperor's vacillating policy, has made considerable progress. The story, tolerably improbable in itself, is rendered much more decidedly so by the statement that the intrigue is encouraged by the Empress of Mexico who has trouble enough on hand without interfering in that of other sovereigns. Peace between Austria and Prussia is now an accomplished fact and the text of the treaty will be found in another column. Its provisions contain nothing new, the preliminary agreement concluded at Nikolsburg, and which has already been published, having formed the basis of the definitive peace.

It is gratifying, however, to find that the people of Northern Schleawig will have an opportunity of uniting themselves with Denmark if they choose to do so by a "free vote." The treaty of peace between Prussia and Hesse Darmstadt was signed at Berlin on Monday. It is said that the Grand Duke has been compelled to cede Homburg and part of Upper Hesse to PrusBia, and to pay a contribution of 450,000. The people of Hanover have supplicated the KiDgof Prussia to grant them independence, but they have met with a haughty and even insolent refusal, The extraordinary speech of the King appears in our foreign intelligence The only unsettled difficulty is that between Saxony and Prussia. Bismark is said to demand terms which are tantamount to a total surrender of independence by the Saxon Government. The latter consequently resists and the armistice is fast coming to a close, greatly to the apprehension of the Saxons.

It is supposed that Russia is mediating between the parties. In the mean time there are rumours of further changes in Germany. It is said that the Grand Duke of Oldenburg has been asked by-Prussia to exchange his present possessions for the Ducliiesof bcnieswigananoistem, ana time neis niceiy to comply with the request. The Prussian premier is also reported to be now engaged in the endeavour to wheedle by negotiation Luxembourg out of the possession of Holland, on the ground that it forms part of the German Confederation, Neighbouring Governments, however, have some slight interest in maintaining the little kingdom of Holland, and any weakening of her strength would not be regarded with the favour that characterised the surrender of Venetia to Italy, The material clauses in the Prussian Indemnity Bill which it mav be remembered indemnifies the Government for its repeated violation of the constitution during the last three or four years have been passed by the Chamber of Deputies by 230 votes to 75. The whole Bill was afterwards carried by a large majority.

In the course of the debates, the Minister of the Interior, Count von Eulenburg, said the adoption of the Bill would morally compel the Government to act in a friendly spirit towards the Lower House a result which would be very satisfactory, but is somewhat doubtful to say the least. The rariB momteur says tnat it is caicuiatea that the expenses of all kinds incurred by Prussia during the late war amount to 400 millions of francs. The war contributions imposed on Austria, Bavaria, Wurtem-burg, Hesse Darmstadt, and Baden represent 170 millions, The sum to be levied on Saxony has not yet been fixed, The oily of Frankfort has already paid 15 millions in money and requisitions. Notwithstanding these heavy exactions, Prussia, in order to reconstitute her treasury, will be obliged to have recourse to a loan. The Emperor of the French, in a letter to the King of Italy, congratulates his correspondent on the cession of Venetia by Austria.

His Imperial Majesty states that he accepted the offer of the Court of Vienna, in order to save Venetia from useless bloodshed, and added: "My intention was always to restore it to itself. in order that Italy might be free from the Alps to the Adriatic, and mistress of her own destinies. Venetia will soon be able to express her wishes by means of uni versal suffrage. Your Majesty will acknowledge that in these curcum stances the influence ot France lias again been exercised in favour of humanity and the in terest of peoples." In pursuance of this intimation the Moniteur announces that the ratifications of the treaty between France and Austria were exchanged on Fridaj', and the transfer of the province will immediately take place to a. French commissioner, alter which the people will be called upon to decide the future destiny of their country.

The Austrian troops nave already begun to evacuate the Quadrilateral. The Italians are very irate at the conduct of the French Government; but they have no good cause tor tneir anger, which is, indeed, only exciting the ridicule and contemnt of other Powers, The Italian Government is proceeding with considerable prudence, and a reduction of the army to the extent of 120,000 men is said to have been determined upon. The condition of Spain appears to be rapidly deteriorating. A correspondent, writing from Madrid, says the prison of this city iB dailyfilled, and on' the morrow-more room is made by sending the Liberals in scores to the Philippines, to Fernando Po, and Annabon. It is useless," he adds, to relate all that is now going on in this unhappy Snain, for it -would not be believed, O'Donnellin his latter days of power, and Narvaez ever since he entered office this time, have shown theraaelves worthy TO MILLERS.

BUTCHERS, GROCERS, Ac. rt jl 11.. IT, ft TOPMW Tl ft TENDERS for FLOUR. POTATOES, CHEESE, BUTTER, niKAT. ana other provisions ana rartlouiars were puollsnea intneitnty rvcoa JOior Ka Off Tin aHoaMUnmPnC A ROOV Of Which may be had at St.

Peter's Hospital, Bristol. Samples mav be sent on or before TUESDAY. 18th Peotera-ber, and TENDERS by POST, on or before FRIDAY, 21st BepteniDer. By oraer oi U. S3.

tUUlUUA viaiiv. 'tn September, 18GS, C1969 RISTOL DOCKS. nnsiimfiT FOR NEW WORKS. nt ntv nf TtriHtol aro nreoared to receive TENDERS for the Construction ot a New JUNCTION LOCK, about 350 feet long and 62 feet wide, with adjoining Quay Walls, near the upper end of Cumberland-basin also a New ENTRANCE LOCK, of similar dimensions, with Quay Walls, between Cumberland-basin and the River Avon (the lock gates and machinery of these looks not being Included)! and for certain intended Improvements of tho Bed and Banks of the River Avon, with Contingent Works. Tho Drawings, Specification, and Quantities of the proposed Works may be seen, on and after the 16th September on application to Mr.

Howard, C.E., Cnderfall-yard, Cumberland-road, Bristol and Contractors who wiBh to Tender may obtain the Bills of Quantities, Specification, and Form of Tender, with photographs of the principal drawlnss, on payment of four guineas, which will be returned to parties tendering in accordance with the specification. Tenders, addressed to the "Docks' Committee." 18, Queen-square, Bristol, to be delivered not later than Twelve o'clock on Monday, the 15th day of Ootober next. Tho Corporation do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any Tender. By order, EDWARD HINTON, Secretary. Bristol, August 28th, 18G6.

7573 mo MILLERS Persons desirous of CONTRACTING with the Board 01 uuaraians ior supplying the BATH UNION, for the ensuing Quarter, with "BE3T SECONDS" FLOUR, are requested to apply here for Printed Forms Tender. The Weekly Consumption is about 28 Sacks. Sealed Tenders, with olght ounces as sample, to be sent to this Office by Ten o'olock on WEDNESDAY, the 32th day of September. The loweBt or any Tender will not necessarily be accepted. HULBERT, Union Clerk.

Poor Law Union Office, Abboy-street, Bath, 2 2nd August, 18G6. I'M" C' 1LUTTON UNION.CONTRACTS for BREAD, FLOUR, MEAT, GROCERIES. Tenders will be considered by the Board on FRIDAY Next, the 14th Instant, at Two o'olook. Full particulars In Handbills circulated. 79D2 EDWARD H.

PERBIN, Clerk, CLIFTON UNION. TENDERS FOR PROVISIONS AND CLOTHING. Notice Is hereby given, that the Guardians of the Clifton Union are desirous of receiving TENDERS for the supply nnnrrinmnn OT fHCTWIl Tn.DDD.KlT fnr OlD IIOH Hf OI STUM VIOIUHD UU UUlUUlu UI.V1DO,, the Union for Six Months, from the 27th day of September to -r -n. T3aa and whtllh tclUhpfnT. Three Months only, from tho 27th day of September to the 27th day of December next.

N.B. The Guardians desire to state that the terms of the Contracts for Bread wHl be strictly enforced. Particulars of the Articles wanted, and Forms of Tender, may be had on application to tbe Clerk's Office, 45, Pioton- street. By Order of the Board, ROBERT MERCER, Clerk, FiBhpond-road, September 7th. I860.

L1HU EATH UNION. NTTRSK3 WANTED. ai.nvrifnnn nf th Wpnth Union herebv elve Notice, that at their Meeting, to be holden on TUESDAY, the 25th dav of September next, at Eleven o'olook in "the Forenoon, they will proceed to the Election of a NURSE to superintend the Sick Wttrdo in tho Union Workhouse, at a salary ef 20 per annum, with Board, Washing, and Apartments lu the Workhouse. Candidates must be unmarried, and without any incumbrance. Application, in the handwriting of the parties, accompanied by testimonials as to character and competency to undertake the duties required, must be sent to me not later than Monday, the 21th day of September next.

HOWEL CUTHBERTSON, Clerk to the GuaTdlans. Neath, 29th August. I860. 7531 IN CANTON UNION. THE tjUattl'tailSUI LUlBUUlvli will, au.ugu iujthu, to be held at the BOARD ROOM, on WEDNESDAY, the lpth of September Next, proceed to the ELECTION of the following incumbrance), SCHOOLMISTRESS, and PORTER.

'me salary oi iue muster auu mauuu wu ii uumu the Schoolmistress 20, or such further sum as the Committee of Counoil on Education may award. Tha Porter Salary is nrlrll.lTin tria flhnVP DfllarlPA ThA MHTial SfclOper HUUUUl. ill huwimw" v-iv officers' Rations and Furnished Apartments. required by the Poor Law Board, and Seourity will be required in thesumof 100. 4fc uanamares must seuu njiiiuiauiuuo age and present occupation, with testimonials of reoent date as to oharaoter and oompetenoy, addressed to me, on or before the 11th of September next.

Tho Guardians will seleot Candidates to attend on tho day of Elcotion. Poor Law Offioe, Wincanton, August 21rd. 7382 OAD SURVEYORS. The HIGHWAY Tin irrvMonAW TiTQTWTfTT1 rf-miirfl t.hp. services of a competent SURVEYOR of the Highways.

He office, to be able to keep the nccesBary books and accounts, and CO nna security iq ouui TriT i DariBhes of KeynBbam, Brisllngton, Whitchurch, Queen Charl- tOn. OailJOra, uuuiuwu wauMwt i Stanton Prior, Newton St. Loo, Pr NohBtoke, and Keltton. The numoer oi mum ui i The person appointed will be required to live In a central iTiL. jiili-t will ho AXfimnted pare oi sue uiBtrtui, from turnpike toll while in the execudon of his duty.

Applications for the office, in candidate's own writing, stating his proposed place of abode, must be forwarded to the Clerk before Jaieven oiooa. ou t-ue uiuiuuis v. It is desirable that candidates should be in attendance by io PVHPnaM Will OR Twelve ciods on muv wuu w.t-.v.-ot, allovfcd. T. OXFORD, Clerk.

Tfnnhnm. Aucrust 29. 18GC. T5545 7610 -wauw httt.17.r nf" t.hfl of Bristol. fWAJLO-l v.

Sjlohargewaigra Bristol JJisuiot at, jnpi.ui vu ymty-KT a wrncriS Wnntfnn Basaett. in Sjja.ix th.nnnTif Wilts. Cordwalner, adiudged Bankrupt on -Lm TOfiA on Arnnr nf TllflP.hftrprp. was Urlatnl nil 1WLU UHV UL WCtDJlluti i. SrfTTj a TKlTruTTlPTP.V A IHbl.

1 In the matter of a Deed of Assignment tor the the oXs of H. B. Bowles, Solicit, Guildhall-chambers Bristol on FridayT the 1st day of October next, at Ten o'clock In the Voreneonior the purpose of auditing the thp TruBtee of tbe Bald Dejed and declaring a Dividend. All Creditors who hye not already sent in their claims to tho said Mr HB. Bowles are requested so to do on or before the 20th day of September next ote uatea ims ogi Bristol, irq 77081 aOllOltor HI ivuc jn-unroc.

LYNVI AND OGMORE KAILWAY. Notice is hereby given that a GENERAL MEETING koyIl HOTEL PADDINGTON, on TUESDAY, the nth too A HeB0. Company. T.n,, mtoo. that the Meeting will be capital ior rue pu ruo.

rr ilin hi Omore SeTof the sume. snares oi uio nhnlrman. A. BKOGDEN, Deputy-Chairman. -n mm ho nr.nsED on of the said uenerai luceLiug.

Bj0t eQEO. F. SAUNDERS, Secretary, R.incwmrt. Glamorgan, August 14th, 1806. T7519 City akd Count? of) pursuance of the Parliament passed in the First Year of the Reign of her iwil5r.tTr DncBTi Victors, intituled "An Act for the BRISTOL, TO WIT.

Ketter Assessing and talventhat tho Plrat Bate or ABseflsment for the year onding tno asm uay "USXttVTnrt moneys ior juo rH XZ t. Vf i.hi said City. waB made by tho Corporation of the Poor of the Bald V. Tunflrtnu nf tha Punnn Cn. till.

Mfllll City and County, on the Sth day of September Ins ant. A flfiPHRinent Will DO UQUUbJ HSU ulwm jli uav, iut iu. of Smbe" instant, at SAINT PETER'S HOSPITAL, yi. Ocptvuju Mnf. tiit.V TOllPB t.h, flftTTlf.

Will. f(ir a neriod of Six Days, remain open to the 1 inspection of the Sff Nlneof "ffiIlSa Four of the ciook iu ihp TV nf And Not oe is MS of September instant, have oraered and holden On tno OIU uay Antiiln frnm APPEALS from mo Saint Augustine 1 Saint Michael on Wednesday, tholOth day Saint James 0f October next. Temple, and 1 Saint Mary nittn All Saints 1 Saint Ewen Saint Leonard SaintNiohoIas Saint Stephen Saint Werburgh On Wednesday, thelTth day Castle Preoinots ChriBt Churoh 01 (jotooer nen Saint John Saint 1 iSaint Saint Philip and Jacob I Saint Thomas, 1 Saint Paul ii cit nt the Councll- And further, that the sain th ur. house, in tho said 0 ty, on each rfWjaB o. ayb, pose of hearing such appealB, the rorenoon 01 cauu ui" in Dated this 7th day 01 lr Justices, on giving seven days' not tee 111 the SirDwa- tion to appeal, ana tne manor to them, Hon of tho Poor, by leaving such notice, addressea 10 with their Clerk.


A n.tava OTlfl TTI IV be SisTd 9TOna are requested to apply to tie rBv p.iiMlnir Officers lor printed particulars. ClntSs forTea, Sugar. Soap and Candles. Blue. 8oda, will be for Six Months: and for Meat Bread, nd oatmeal.

Groats. Peas, Rioo, Butter. Cheese, for yjccn Weeks, commencing lrora the Soth day ol September Anders with 8amplofl of such Provisions and stores insDectlon, to bo delivered to the Clerk of the Union KSin feot expense, on or beforo MONDAY, tho 10th ffork septemter, lor the Board's decision on tho following dtf; Tcnaf rs to be addressed to the Clerk, and Tender for iion8 written on me unvciope. Provisions, order of t))o noi)rdi RICDD. TKEW, Clerk to tne Union cumber 3rd.

138G. 5676 "77! JF A 0 UNION. "Ji. nrA nf Buardtans of tho above Union hereby slvc nti that a MRKTINQ will be held at the UNION WOUK-AVnNOLlFR near BRADFORD, on MONDAY. kV i7ih dav of September instant, at Two o'clock in the when they will be willing to receive TJONDBRS Si rirrsons wllllntr to supply the Workhouse for thirteen CLOTHING, and other ARTICLES usually consumed in Aiid also for the supply of BREAD, in 41b.

loaves (quality best seconds), for the Out-door Poor in the Union, for the like Tnndars. with samDles. must be delivered at the Work before Sis o'clock in the Evening of. SATURDAY, the 15priBtcdDFormB of Tenders may be had, free of expense, at the rinw Nn other Vorm of Tender will be accented. Handbills containing further particulars may be had at the rtprk umce, ana aisu ai- uio vvo.Ruuupe.

ALFRED BEAVKN, Clerk to the Board. Bradford, Wilts. 3rd September, 1606. TOl EDMINSTER UNION tnnTrwno iv-t TinAITrrJTAMO Jf a XjIt ivXiD xuu. jrrvu wiuho.

The itoaTa oi uuaraianB oi siiib uuum ure ubbuuub ui mMiirvuno 4-a frt TKAOT for SUPPLYING the WOKKHOUSK with the usual with BREAD, of the Best SccondB quality, lor SIX MONTHS, Separate Tenders will be required lor the Workhouse, and also for each District. Particulars of the Articles required may bo obtained at the Anrl nfUnord Scaled Tenders, endorsed with tbe namea of the artlolcs proposed to be supplied, must he Bent through the post, addressed to the Clerk, at KaBton-in-Gordano and the price of tho articles set forth in writing, and Samples of suoh articles as can bo tent must be delivered at the Workhouse, free of expense, before Ten o'clook, on TUESDAY, the 18th September, and such Tenders sb shall then have boon received will be opened th Rnnrrl at Klcven o'clock tbe same morning. The Guardians do not bind themselves to accept the lowest SN-Sll Tenders not sent through the post willbe rejected. By Order of the Board, THOMAS COLES, Clerk. i'aston-in-Gordano, Bristol, 4th 1865.

7906 HEPSTOW UNION. TO MILLERS, BUTCHKRS, GROCERS, DRAPERS, Persons desirous of CONTRACTING with tho Guardians of the above Union for the supply of 150 Sacks of Good SKCOSDS FLOUR, at per Sack of 2S0 to bo delivered at (... nt Avnnnoa tit Kft UanVa hafnm All I 1 1 I tile vi tptun, 23th Septembers 50 Sacks on or before SOth Ootober E0 Sacks on or before 24th November next, aro requested to send Sealed TENDERS to the Clerk's Office, with Samples, addressed to the Guardians (endorsed Tender for on or before SATURDAX. the 22nd instant, by Ten o'olook In the fnrenoon. At the same time and place the Guardians will receive Tenders for tbe supply of Good BEKF, MUTTON, and SL'KT (flank and brisket half quarters of beel alternate weeks, with lee bones attached, the nco*k-bone in brisket to be equally divided), at per pound.

Also, for GROCERIES, MILK, COALS ALE, PORTER, DRAPERY, consisting of brown and white calico, brown and white flannel, moleskin, cotton print, drubbett, bed ticking, house flannel, flax huoka-back and cotton sheeting, at per yard, gray worsted, at per yard the Quarter ending Christmas, 180S. Samples of the articles required will be furnished on application to the master, at the WorkhouBe. Form ol Tender may be had on application to the Clerk. The Guardians do not pledgethemsclves to accept the lowest tender By order of the Board. WM.

COOPER, Clerk. Union Office. 5th Sept, 1868. Samples of such articles as admit of it must be forwarded with the Tenders to the Clerk's Offices, by Ten o'olook iithcmornlDgof the 22nd, and no Tender will be received alter that time. CJT.

MARY'S HOSPITAL MEDICAL SCHOOL. The SKSSION will commence on MONDAY, Oct 1st, at EiCbt o'clock p.m.. with an INTRODUCTORY ADDRESS by Mr. HAYNES WALTON. At this Hospital the Medical Appointments, including the five House-Surgencies, the annual value of which exceeds as many Scholarships of 50 each, and a resident Eegistrarship at 109 per annum, are open to the pupils without additional fee The LECTURES in the WINTER SESSION will bo given by Dr.

Chambers, Dr. Handfleld Jones, Mr. Lane, Mr. Spencer Smith. Dr.

Broadbent, Dr. Lawson, Mr. Gascoyen, Mr. Norton, Mr. James Lane, and Dr.

Matthiessen. In the BUMMER SESSION, by Dr. Tyler Smith, Dr. Sleveking, Dr. Dresser, Dr.

Randall. Dr. BaBtian, Mr. Ernest Hart, Mr. Scrcombe, Mr.

St. George Mivart. Plivsieians-Dr, Aldcrson, F.R.S.; Dr. Slbson, F.R.S. Dr.

Handfleld JoneB, F.R.S. Dr. Sleveking; and Dr. Markham. Surgeons-Mr.

Lane, Mr. Spencer Smith, Mr. Walton, and Mr. James Lane. Assistant-Physician Dr.

Broadbent. Assistant-Surgeon Mr. Gascoyen. Physician-Accoucheur Dr. Tyler Smith.

Ophthalmic Surgeon Mr. Ernest Hart. Surgeon-Dentist -Mr. Sercombe. Lecturers ou Clinical Medicino -Dr.

Aldcrson, Dr. Sibson, and Dr. H. Jones. Lecturers on Clinical Surgery Mr.

Lane, Mr. Spencer Smith, Mr. Walton. Department for Ophthalmic and Obstetrio Practice, and a Ward lor Dlsonaesot Women, aro attached to the Hoapltal. Ihe wing now building contains a Ward for Diseases Children.

There are Practical Microscope Classes in both Sessions. The Clinical and Pathological Instruction is carefully Orjanised. The fee for the Hospital Practice and Lectures required by tie Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons, and the Satiety of Apothecaries, is SO guineas in one sum, or 89 5s. pjvablc by instalments. For prospectus, entry, and full information as to Prizes, apply to any of the Medical Officers and Lecturers, or to 7032 ERNEST HART, Dean of the School.

PM. WHITTINGHAM HUGHES, twummI PnrHiinnt to an Act of Parliament made ana pissed in the 2-'nd and 23rd years of the the reign of her present Msjesty, cap 35, intituled An Act to further amend the law of Property and to relieve Trustees," Notice 1b hereby given that all Creditors and other personB having any Claims or Demands against the Estate of WILLIAM WHITTINGHAM HUGHES, cf Woolcot-park, Redland, in the city and county of Bristol. Gentleman, deceased (who died on day of March, I860, and whose will was proved In the Dlstriot Registry attached to her Malesty's Court of Probate, at Bristol, on the 7th day of April, 1800, by Abraham HatUerell, of Kingmead Villa, Woolcot-park, Redland, aloreaatd, gentleman, one of the executors named in the said wUl). arc hereby required to send particulars of suoh Claims or Demands to the said ABRAHAM HATHERELL, or to me, the undersigned, the Solicitor to tho Executors, on or before the 1st day of October next, at which time tho Executors will proceed to apply and distribute the aBsets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard to 'be Claims or Demands only of which they shall then have had notice. Datedthislstdayof 1SCC.

CHARLES THICK, Chipping Sodbury, and 29, Bridge-street, Bristol. TH' Solicitor to the Exeoutora. E. GEORGE CHARLES WETMORE, I tn tho stalnto 22nd and 23rd Victoria, cap. 05, intituled An Act to further Amend the Law Property and to relieve Trustees," Notice is hereby given, that all Creditors and other persons having any 'Claims or Demands upon or against the Estate of GEORGE CHAKLriS WETMORE, late of Hill Cross-villa, in the parlBh of Hill, in the county of Gloucester, Gentleman (who died on tneina day of June, 18G6, and whOBe Will was proved in the DIstrlet Begistry at Gloucester, attached to her MaleBty Court of Probate, on the 17th day July, 1806, by Charles Bennett, of Falfield, in the parish of Thornbury, in the said county.

Farmer, and Giles lies, late of Eangeworthy, but now of Morwood, near Ciicencestcr, in the said county. Firmer), are required to send particulars of such Claims or Demands to mcT the undersigned OSBORNE DAUNCE1, of Wotton-nnder-Edge, as the Solicitor of the said Executors, on or before the Fifth day of November next, after which day the said Executors will proceed to distribute the Assets of the sold deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to tbe Claims or Demands of which the said Exeoutors Bhall then have had notice and the said Executors will not be liable for the Assets, or any part thereof, bo distributed or dealt with, to any person of whose Debt or Claim they shall not then have had notice. Dated this 4th day of September, 18GC. 1 ASRORNK DAUNCEY. Wotton-under-Edge, Solicitor to the ExeoutorB.

JOHN DOWLING, DECEASED. IhirsuRDt to an Act of Parliament, 22nd and 2Srd Victoria, chapter 85. intituled An Act to lurtncr amend the Law ol Property anc I to reUeye Trustees," Notice 1b hereby given that all Creditors and other Pffhs having anyClaims. Debts or Dsmands UDOn or against the Estate of JOHN DOWLIN, 1.101 Bristol, Butcher, who died at Devon-place. Newport Monmouthshire, on the 19th December, 1804, and whoseWll was proved on the SOth May.

186C. in the PrincIpalKeglatry of Her Majesty's Court ot Probate, by Jameo Dowling, of Bristol, Painter, and Joseph Chard, of Bristol, Baker Uhe Executors named in the Baid Will) are hereby requid to Bend the particulars of their debts or claims to SBrs. KINtr and No. 5, Exchange-buildings East, Bristol. Solicitors to the said Executors, on or before the 10th day ot November, I860, after, which day the said Executore wW app'y aud distribute the whole of the assets of the said Testator among the persons entitled thereto, according to '18 1 'ne said Will, having regard only to the claims of which thoy shall tiien have notice.

Dated this 8th day of September, 1SGC. KINS and PLUMHER, 5, Exchange-buildings East, Bristol, and filiire-court-chaiubers, Temple, London, Solloltors to the ExeoutorB. prizes' prizes! GRAND DRAWING OF PRIZES niamEiDC fhn ITRDER Of ST. JRANCIS, GLASGOW, who superintend ocnooi and tho Education oi rs; Children, will take place in the TRADES'-HALL, GLASS-PORD-STREET, GLASGOW, on WEDNLSDAY, I7tn October, 18C6, on the principle of the ART UNION OF GREAT BRITAIN, Coder the sDecinl Patronage of their THE EMPEROR EMPRESS OF THE FRENCH, Aad many oi the Nobility and Gentry of Great Britain ana Ireland. Tickets, Sixpence each, entitling the holder to a ohance or ny one of SEVERAL HUNDRED VERY VALUABLE PRIZKS, including amongst others The choice of a Magnificent Solid Silver Tea Service, value 120, or 100 in Cash.

An Elegant Rosewood Pianoforte, by Broadwood, or 40, A Rich and Mellow-toned Organ-Presented by the Right Bey. Dr. Gray. A First-class Sewing Machine. A Handsome China DesBert Service Tho Gift of a Lady.

A very Handsome Copy of the Saorcd Scriptures The Gift of the late BIT Charles Tempest, Bart. A Complimentary FREE TICKET presented to every ono who Purohases or Disposes ot a Book of 20 Tickets, entitling the holder to a chance of winning any of tbe following Frizes A Gerbe des Saisons," in Sevres Manufacture Presented by the Emperor and Empress of the French, A Horse and Brougham, with Silver-mounted Harness, valued at .160 Presented by the Right Rev, Br. Gray. A Beautiful Indian Shawl, value 80, A Rich Satin Dress. A Box of Carpenter's Tools.

A Valuable Gold Watch. A Handsome Wardrobe, or Ten Guineas. A Gold Triohinonoli Chain, value 10. And many other Valuable and AttraotivePrlzcs. I Particulars in Price List accompanying Tickets.

Lord HENRY KERR, Hon. Chairman of Committee. Sir ROBERT GLENDONWYN GORDON, Bart, Hon. Mons. BOUILLAT, Consul de France, i Seos.

TtebetB, Sixpence each, can be had from Messrs. AUSTIN and OATES, 9, Park-street, and AS. ROBERTS, 9, Bedminstcr-plaee, Bedmlnater. Other Agents Wanted for. the Sale oi to W.

Porteous and lf. Exchange-place, Glasgow. toattnitiee -rooms, 58, Charlotte-street, Glasgow. 086 A Young Person desires a He-Engagement as BARMAID. First-class Redclift Post-office, Bristol.

5776 7832 A Young Lady desires an Engagement aa GOVERNESS. English, French, and Music Address H. Post-office, Swansea. C781C TO HARNESS MAKERS, As JOURNEYMAN, bv a respectable young man. Address A Post Office, Somerton.

1803 WANTED to APPRENTICE a Young Peraon to the Millinery; small premium given. Address, Stone, Post-ofUoe, Berkeley. 17875 BREWER'S TRAVELLER By a resoectible well-educated Young Man. Has never travelled beforo. 8roall salary.

Address'X Burrowbridge, Bridgwater. T7877 WANTED, by a respectable person, as HOUSEKEEPER in a Farmhouse. Good references. Address Mm. Ford, Register-office, Thornbury.

I7736 AS HOUSEKEEPER, by a respectable peraon, thoroughly domesticated; can manage dairy. Good references. Address Post-office, Almondsbury, Gloucestershire. 1787 WANTED, by a young man, a Situation as SECOND COUNTERMAN; age 23, AddresB Ashron Keynes, Ciioklade, Wiltf ffiCIO 7797 WANTED, by a Young Lady, a SITUATION in the Drapery. Several years' exoerience.

Cardiff preferred, Post-office, Cardiff, 15660 7807 A SITUATION as BARMATD in Wine and Spirit Vaults, bv an Innkeeper uauguter. reuouiuiKiiua- Post-office, ditton (S7U 7782 A Respectable Young Person wants a SITUATION to take Charge of One or Two Children. Address F. Mr. Ambrose, Ironmonger, Cardiff.

5713 "840 A KITCHEN-MAID or COOK, under a housekeeper, by t3L a respectable young person. Charlton-house, Twerton, Bath. B7M 7836 TO DRESSMAKERS. Wanted, a Stluation sb FIRST HAND by a respectable Young Person, with good reference. AddresB A 8, Bristol Meroury-offlce.

7978 WANTE by a respeotable Young Person, a Situation sb HOUSEKEEPER, or useful Companion to a Lady. Address Post-office, HuntBpill, Bridgwater. (7860 WANTED, a respectable young man as ASSISTANT in the Drapery must be a good salesman, and speak Welsh. Apply to Henry Cromwell, li, High-street, Newport, Mon, 7808 ANTED, by a respectable Young Person, aSITUATION, to attend to a lady or children. Being a good dressmaker could make herself useful, Apply 33, Theobald's-road, Holborn, London 7973 WHOLESALE IRONMONGERS, Wanted, a Situation as ASSISTANT or TRAVELLER in some Branch of the Trade.

Good references. Address E. Post-office, Burnham, Somerset. 5259 7366 TO EMPLOYERS. A young Man, of business habits and good address, seeks Employment.

Persons seeking a trustworthy Assistant may rely on the Advertiser. AddreBS Mr. Nash, Union-passage, Bath, (5771 7837 A Young Person wishes a Situation as NEEDLEWOMAN raL In a Gentleman's Family to Walt on an Invalid, or Housekeeper to a gentleman. Good references. Address Annie, Post-office, North-street, Bristol.

5734 7842 TO CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Wanted, by a Young Man, a SITUATION in the above line. For particulars apply to Mr. Hy. Matthews, Wholesale Druggist, Old King-street, BriBtol.

T66 7838 mo NEWSPAPER Wanted, a Situation as COMl'OSl'i'UK on a Country NewsDoner. Address. Btating terms, G. Cartwrfght, Waning-street, Wellington, Salop, Um AS WARDROBE-KEEPER in a Young Gentleman's School, or any other light occupation, by a respectable middle-aged female, where confidence Is required 11 years' reference; Address A B. Post-offlce, Wells, 7800 ANTED, Be-engagemenfc as MANAGER of Woollen Manufactory or Warehouse, Unexceptionable testi monials produced from employers.

AddresB Bristol fliercury-QHioe. i'OOJ BAILIFF. Wanted, by a respectable farmer's son, age s. SITUATION as above, at Michaelmas next, fie will be highly recommended, and good references given. AddreBS PoBt-office, Collumpton, Devon.

7880 AGoverneBS, ot 15 years' experience in tuition, desires to receive a few Pupils at her own residence, to instruct in Mtifrllsh. French Music, and Drawing. Addreea 8, Bouth-terrace, Redland, 8000 ii young Lady, juBt returned from the il0Alrrfl nn Enefapemenfc. Acoulrements English generally, French, Music, Dancing, and Elementary German. Good references.

Address Delta, 81, Stoke's-crof t. AITER. Wanted, by a respectable Man, a Re-cngage-mnnt no WAITER in a Family or Commercial Hotel, Eight years and half good character from laBt situation. Seourity if rcquired.AddresB A Angle-hotel, Marlbrough, WHtS. 57" ANTED, EMPLOYMENT three days a week, by a resneetable Man who has the other part engaged, nge 36, either as Clerk, or in a Warehouse, or Town Traveller.

Highest references as to respectability and trustworthiness. Aadresa A tn aiercury-uiuue. L'gl' A Young Lady desires at Michaelmas a Re-engagement aB JUNIOR TEACHER in a Ladies' School, or GovernesB iu a Family where the children are young. Acquirements: English, Frenoh, MubIo, and the Budiments of German. Address 2, Greenfieid-Ylllas, Neath, 7881 $al0 fti? WtMU gwtteact ACKS for SALE.

Apply to E. T. Bullock, Tontine-ware- houBcs, Quay-head. 5146 7116 APPLES for Pastry, Wholesale. William Gilford, Blackford, Wincanton, Somerset.

C7873 be SOLD, a Bargain, a capital Spring T1CAP ana HARNESS. Apply, A 1, Bristol mercnry-ouice. ii iiaa IOR SALE, Second-hand Commercial TRAP, in good -E. and A. Thornley, Baldwin-street.

7081 S7I0RSALE, about 40 thousandTEAZLE PLANTS. Apply at Georgs Andrew's, Old Inn, Cleeve, Yatton, Somerset. 7801 HOB SALE, first-class Eccentric Slide Rest LATHE, eight 1 in. centre, ten feet iron bed. 4, Tower-hill, Old Market.

7908 EOR SALE (a good investment), 14, FRANCIS-PLACE, NINETREE-HILL. Apply to R. C. Pope, 102, Temple-street. f8012 TO be DISPOSED OF, a GROCERY and GENERAL BUSINESS.

Coming-in moderate. Apply by letter, Office of this Paper. 5778 783 i POTATOES. For SALE, DALMAHOY and SUTTON'S KING OF POTATOES. Apply Mr.

Luce, Auctioneer, Thornbury. 5701 7864 TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, CHEDDAR-VILLA, COTHAM. Inquire on the Premises; or of MesBrs. Thomas Reynolds and Son, Tucker-street, Bristol 8001 24 15s. only for a 7-oetave PIANOFORTE, Rosewood or Walnut Caee, by one of the best London makers HARMONIUM for SALE at Hamilton's, 11, Stoke'B-croft, 8002 TO be DISPOSED OF, with immediate possession, or possession at Christmas, a first-class 8MITHINGBU8INESS, Thomas-street, Wells, in possession of Mr.

William Ridewood, to whom apply. 7675 TO DRAPERS. For DISPOSAL, an Old established Beady-money BUSINESS, in a flourishing Seaport in South Wales. Capital opportunity for an energetic man with about 600. Address Rex," PoBt-offlee, Cardiff.

5711 7845 GLOUCESTERSHIRE NEAR THE WYE. To be SOLD, Small COTTAGE and Three Acres of FREEHOLD LAND. No Tithe or Cburoh-rates. Pretty situation fine nloroa nf tha Wve. Monmouth, and Gloucestershire Hills, a ti tj.a nA1.n Of n.tnTrol.a rfi714 7Q1H TO ENGRAVERS AND LITHOGRAPHERS.

An Established BUSINESS for DISPOSAL in this city, returning 1200 per annum. For Plant, Presses, Goodwill, 600 required, or a half-share may be taken by a Partner competent to take the Travelling Department Apply to Latham and Phelan, Trenchard-street. 5788 7827 FOR SALE, a Second-hand 12-horse power Beam ENGINE and BOILER, complete several New and Second-hand Engines, from one to 10-horse power Donkey Engines, Boilers, Force and Lift Pumps, Blast Fans, set of Paint Stones, andGoaring, Pulleys, and other UBeful Machinery atW. Pope and 102, Temple-street. 8008 TO be SOLD in Fee, by PRIVATE CONTRACT, two Closes of rich Grazing or Dairy LAND, adjoining each other, situate in Loxton Level, in the parish of Loxton Somerset, and containing togethsr by the Tithe Apportionment 19a.

Or. 80p in the occupation of Mr. James Kcrton, of Loxton aforesaid, as tenant thereof. To treat apply to Mr. William House, Mark, near Highbridge, Somerset.

7934 TO CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS COMMENCING. For REMOVAL or otherwise, immediately, tho complete modern FITTINGS REQUIREMENTS, with emallSTOCK, of CHEMIST'S SHOP, in a Market Town, Worcestershire together or separately. No reasonable offer refused. If desired premises may be secured and business continued to advantage, A first-rate opening, Address Alpha, Messrs. Warren and 24, Redcliff-street, Bristol.

C0B0 7813 GLOUCESTERSHIRE NEAR TINTERN ABBEY. To be SOLD, a good and substantial Stone-built HOUSE and about Twelve Acres of FREEHOLD LAND, nearly in a ring fence. No Tithe or Church-rates. Situated upon the top of a hill an exceedingly fine situation, presenting a fine view of the Severn, Wye, the mouth of the Avon, Tintern Abbey, and ten different counties one of the finest views in England. For further particulars apply to J.

Mercer, St. Briavel's, Coleford. 5715 7847 Wo fit TO be LET, with Immediate possession, a HOUSE and small SHOP, in tbe Fancy Trade. Fixtures, 0. Stock at a valuation if required.

Satisfactory reasonB given for leaving. Apply Prospect-house, Redland, near the Black Boy, 7930 TO be LET, with early possession, a genteel HOUSE, with Garden, at UPPER KNOWLE. The bay window oppo-Bite the Talbot Inn one mile from the Railway Terminus. Two parlours, live bedrooms, every convenience, both sorts of water. Rent 23.

I7809 TO be LET. a BEERHOUSE, situate in a populous neigh-hrmrhnnd near the Railway Terminus trade good present proprietor leaving Bristol. Rent 16, which can be made by unaer-iewing; co ZZ-'SZ; i- Sprod and aon, Appraisers, Tn ho LET from the 29th September next, the conveuicnt Family HesTence, CLAKEMONT VILLA, ELTON mnniraf wnwwKT.T) frlose to the Turnpike); Garden front and back, Stable and Coachhouse, both sorts of water, nnflnoe.ltvtaxes.ADDiy on mo 10 be LET, Four Miles from the City, and within One Mile a. oi tneiiourton-staiioii, wtc1M a convenient nine-roomed HOUSE, with Offices, Greenhouse, large walled Garden, and two Orchards, all in a state of high cultivation. Rent low.

Apply to 203, Bristol Mercury-office. t7332 mo be LET, at WINTEBBOURNE-DOWN, a COTTAGE i and GARDEN, with stable, shed, The Bhop-fixUircsat a valuation. Rent 10. This presents a good opening for a Tailor, Brazier, and Tin-plate worker, or any other small particulars apply to Mr. Curtis, Frospeot-house Academy.

Wioterbourne. 797u TO be LET or SOLD, in St. Mark's-road, Lower Easton (within two minutes' walk of a church, chapd and rail way station), Three well-built six-roomed HOUSES, with china pantry, water-closet, servants' kitchen, and outhouses. Apply to Mrs. Parsons, Seed Shop, 20, Union-street; Mr.

Mutter, Wellington-plaoe, Easton-road or Mr. Wilktns, on thRmwmtmn. 65 7812 FACIOUS BUSINESS PREMISES to be LET, at Tem-nle-gate. nearly opposite thejtatlway Termini, consisting of ah old-established BKEWERi, for many years carried on hi. art.

riiwiYidr. and now bv Mr. Richard Lewis, together nftfv, fho Hnonoori PUBLIC-HOUSE adiolninc. sublet to a resDeof able tenant. Also, near the above, a WAREHOUSE of one floor.

Apply to Messrs. ohm hake st uo Temple gate. Bristol, September 7th, 1866. 7922 demanded and received smart caps. In this happy borough several scores of eggs sold during the.election seven and sixpence each by which we are retmnaea that at Totnes three frving-pans fetched forty pounds.

the Reigate bacon could be brought to these articles, somewhat remarkable meal might be provided. These are the airy trifles, however, by which pecuniary operations are concealed, lue copious synonyms use tor tne simple word money amongst the corruptible classes show-how stupendous is its power. Olie man calls it grease," another "sugar," a third "tar," a fourth "tin," and others a pinch of sovereigns," oysters," specific," consideration," kites," stipend," commercial," nonsense," "grains," sub," and In one borough "an inch" means 10, "an inch and a half" 15, and two inches 20. In another place gold is called tea," from the fact that it has been carried about iu tea-pots by female bribers. Under whatever name it is known its influence, like that of laudanum, is weakened copious administration, and the doses require to be increased.

Reigate is still, comparatively speaking, an innocent borough. Its electors, who have been operated upon only for a short period, were generally content with modest refreshers varying from 1 10s. to 3. One man, however, personated his father, in order get 2 from one side and 3 from the other, and eventually voted for neither while the voter who sold Mr. Monson his dying pig afterwards got 3 10s.

from other side to buy another, so that the place evidently aspires to no mean notoriety. At Yarmouth the value a vote has rapidly risen from a few pounds to 30 or 40, and one witness believed it would have got high enough at the last contest to make it worth the Mayor's while to take a bite." Yet high price does not appear have made electors trustworthy, any more than at low-priced Reigate. One voter received 20 from one side and 17 on the other, but was so "disgusted with himself that he could not bring his mind to vote for either. Another impartial-minded man accepted 25 from the Tories and 20 from the Liberals, and carried his view of fair play by splitting between them-by which neither were the better. But the borough of Totnes is clearly entitled to all the reputation which unblushing and almost universal debasem*nt claim.

A Conservative witness has confessed that there were only about a dozen pure men on his side, and fear a similar statement would be equally true respecting his opponents. The amount paid to any voter was immense to those who cunningly held out to the hour of the polling it was simply extraordinary. One witness speaks to having offered an elector 500 and there is abundant evidence that a club of seven men stood out for 1000, and got it. An election, in fact, was a time when debts were paid off, mortgages liquidated, and money matters in Totnes made "serene." What the little body of voters will hereafter demand in exchange for their sweet voices, if they are allowed to retain their privilege, we dare not venture to speculate. We have gone into these details with no wish to excite laughter of the reader.

It will be a most serious thineif electoral depravity becomes prevalent in Englaad is clear from the disclosures before us that corruption spreading amongst the smaller boroughs, and must be rigorously cut away if we would save ourselves from a further extension ot the leprosy. An ettectual means dealing with the evil is not by any means so clear as evil itself. Yet much might be done if the upper classes were really in earnest in repressing the abuses of present system. The following letter of a gentleman who enioys the lull coDtidence oi tne conservative leaders has been read during the Totnes inquiry, and ic will enlighten the public as to the mode which candi dates are supplied to constituencies, and the real feelings the heads of Toryism in reference to electoral purity (f nvate upd conhuential.) 6, Victoria-street, Westminster Abbey, June 20, 1865. My dear Sir I am happy to tell you that we have got Lord Cranstoun's full support, and he will use every influence has got in the contest for Totnes, The only difficulty is findiDg a man with plenty of money to carry the scat.

This, however, I trust to be able to do, and as soon as we find him shall know. I will get Mr, Potter to influence the persons you name, I am, dear sir, yours faithfully, Robert Harris, Totnes. M. Spoffoeth. another proof were needed, we have it in the fact that "Robert Harris, the most impudent and audacious briber that was ever exposed, has been employed, since the sitting of the Election Committee, to work the register at Cambridge for the Conservatives.

Much laxity of principle may, doubtless, also be found election managers on the Liberal side. In short, until bribery becomes a crime, not merely in the eye of the law but in that of the wealthier classes, the canker is only too likely to spread. There are, however, various means by which the evil could be lessened. First of these must always be placed the Ballot. The next might probably be found in such an extension of the suffrage and redistribution of seats as would abolish very small constituencies, and render bribery impracticable to the wealthiest pocket.

Nobody dreams of bribing Marylebone, Manchester, or Bristol, and the fact its own lesson. It has been proposed that the mere proof of bribery should disqualify a candidate from ever sitting in the House of Commons, even if direct agency could not be proved against him. But this would obviously enable a knavish Tory agent to unseat Mr. Gladstone, or a knavish Liberal to stifle the voice of Mr. Disraeli.

To punish a man without proof of guilt would be simply monstrous. But if his guilt can be -irought home as it plainly might have been in the case the Tory candidate at Totnes ana tne candidate at Yarmouth, even without their unblushing confessionsa mere fine does nothing to deter other evil-doers. The punishment of bribery should be no matter of pounds, shillings, and pence, to be paid with a smile, but imprisonment and hard labour. One or two severe examples would soon revolutionise the existing principles and practices of the great political clubs; and we should be surprised if they did not work an effectual and permanent cure. The Property of Italian Princes, A letter from Florence in tbe Independence says:" Tbere is some chance that Italy may succeed in recovering, not only the iron crown tbe Lombard kings, and the ancient manuscripts of the Venetian libraries, but also the beautiful palaces of the Austrian legation at Rome and Constantinople, which are still called the palaces of Venice.

Italy has fortunately in her hands a valuable pledge which will only give up on condition of obtaining what sbe demands with so much right. That gage consists in the private property of the archdukes, of which Austria claims the restitution. These archdukes, after all, are-reduced to the Dnke of Modona; for such is the moderation which has presided over tbe Italian revolution tbat the private property of the House of Lorraine has never undergone either seizure or sequestration, and the Grand Duke Leopold still enjoys the revenues, although it is known that family has not ceased to conspire, The dynasty which reigned at Parma never any private estates in the Dachy. The demands of Austria are therefore confined to property of the Duke of Modena (some thirty millions) and the considerable private domain of Francis II. As to latter, the sine qua non of restitution i9 his departure from Rome and Italy," Ophning or the Tenby and Whitland Railway Tenby, Wednesday.

To day the narrow-gauge line of railway from this beautiful watering-place to the Great Western line at Whitland has been used for the first time regular passenger traffic, the line having been formally opened yesterday with great ceremony and public rejoicing. The line is only 16 miles long, but by its completion a saving nearly 39 miles in the journey to Tenby is effected. Up yesterday the route was through Milford and Pembroke, with a delay of half an hour in crossing the Haven by ferry, besides tbe additional mileage, The line, as already stated, on the narrow-gauge, bnt the Great Western Company propose laying down the narrow-gauge along their South Wales line from Whitland to Carmarthen, Direct communicatioa will thus be obtained by tbe Manchester and MilforJ line with the north, and by tbe Llanelly and Llandilo line with Swansea, Neath, Cardiff, Newport, and the Midland Counties, By the completion of this railway, therefore, the long-desired object of carrying out a through narrow-gauge system of railways from the north to the west will be carried as soon as the Great Western Company has laid down tbe narrow gange for the few miles between Whitland and Carmarthen, The line has been constructed at a small cost. although the works are somewhat heavy, There is one short tnnnel and a handsome viaduct at Tenby, The prospects of traffic are very good. The line runs througbja district in which is an unlimited supply of limestone, for which there is a ready market near at hand in Cardiganshire, where lime is much required, The contractors for the work are Messrs, Davies and Roberts, who completed their contract fourteen months before the expiration of the contract.

Captain Rich, the government inspector of railways, made his official inspection of tbe line on Saturday, and at once passed it, The works are executed in a very substantial and efficient manner. Tbe ceremony of opening con- 4 sinted in a special train conveying the mayor and corporation of Tenby and Pembroke, with the directors and others, from. Tenby to Whitland and back. Heartless Robbery. At Cardiff police court on Monday, William Brittle was charged with stealing 4 lrora tne person ol William nugnes, a enppio wuu uuc leg.

Prosecutor said that be went to Bristol on Thursday last for the purpose of purchasing a wooden leg, having lost his leg at the iron -works. He met the. prisoner in tha Arcade, and some man who was with bins. remamea tnat ne prosecutors mi a nom opon which he (prosecutor) said, 1 am from Dowlais," anil all oi tuem went to tue iwo irees puonc-uuuoc maviii beer. Prisoner paid for some of the beer, and afterwards.

another man came in, and they began to toss ior Deer son subsequently for money, The prisoner and one of the party sat on each side of "him. Prisoner asked prosecutor to change him a5 note, but he replied that he had not enough for that, Prisoner then said, Give me what you have, and you can give me the remainder outside." Prisoner now whispered into prosecutor's ear, saying that ha would show him how to get sovereigns, At the same moment prwecntor felt prisoner's hand in his pocket, and he drew out iouc sovereigns and threw them into his hat. One of the-other men took the money and walked out. Prisoner took, away prosecutor's crutches, and left the house. I'roaecutor crawled to the bar and called tbe but it was too late; prisoner conld not be found.

The rrest time prosecutor saw him was at the Taff Vale Station on Saturday, at Cardiff, when he gave him into custody. Prisoner cross-examined prosecutor at some hnntb, but failed to shake his evidence, after which he said, TTT ft Tl.lfrtT. 1 am SB innocent a oaue, jour trorsnip, jr.u. said that he searched the prisoner, and fonnd a flash note and some playing cards in his pocket. He said that prisoner offered to compromise the affair, and rather than be taken through the streets with the police ha said he would givo him the 4, although, ha never took the money from mm.

Prisoner: Shall I be tried at Bristol, air? The Bench: Yes, you will take yur trial there at the oast quarter.

The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post, Western Countries and South Wales Advertiser from Bristol, Bristol, England (2024)
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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.