Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu and Munir M. Ahmad · 2018. 6. 2. · Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu1 and Munir M. Ahmad1 Abstract Sidewall transfer lithography (STL) is demonstrated - [PDF Document] (2024)

Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu and Munir M. Ahmad· 2018. 6. 2.· Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu1 and Munir M. Ahmad1 Abstract Sidewall transfer lithography (STL) is demonstrated - [PDF Document] (1)


Nanostructured 2D Cellular Materials in Silicon by STL NEMS

Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu1 and Munir M. Ahmad1


Sidewall transfer lithography (STL) is demonstrated as a method for parallel fabrication of 2D

nanostructured cellular solids in single-crystal silicon. The linear mechanical properties of four

lattices (perfect and defected diamond; singly and doubly periodic honeycomb) with low

effective Young’s moduli and effective Poisson’s ratio ranging from positive to negative are

modelled using analytic theory and the matrix stiffness method with an emphasis on boundary

effects. The lattices are fabricated with a minimum feature size of 100 nm and an aspect ratio of

40 : 1 using single- and double-level STL and deep reactive ion etching of bonded silicon-on-

insulator. Nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) containing cellular materials are used to

demonstrate stretching, bending and brittle fracture. Predicted edge effects are observed,

theoretical values of Poisson’s ratio are verified and failure patterns are described.

Keywords: Cellular solids, nanoelectromechanical systems, sidewall transfer lithography,

1EEE Department, Imperial College London, Exhibition Road, London SW7 2AZ, UK

*TEL +44-207-594-6203, FAX +44-207-594-6308, Email [emailprotected]

Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu and Munir M. Ahmad· 2018. 6. 2.· Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu1 and Munir M. Ahmad1 Abstract Sidewall transfer lithography (STL) is demonstrated - [PDF Document] (2)


1. Introduction

Microfabricated silicon sensors are incorporated in many advanced products [1, 2]. Success can

be ascribed to a combination of material properties [3] and compatible processes [4]. However,

because the use of other materials introduces process complications, performance is generally

determined by the properties of Si itself. Here we consider whether structuring may modify its

effective properties. This approach has had strong appeal in electromagnetics, where it is known

as ‘metamaterials’ [5], especially to obtain novel behaviour [6].

In mechanical engineering, structured media are known as cellular solids [7, 8]. The arrangement

can be a two-dimensional (2D) [9] or 3D lattice [10], aperiodic lattice [11] or foam [12]. The

effective elastic moduli and Poisson’s ratio of many cells have been derived [13-17], together

with their failure modes [18-21] and dynamic properties [22, 23]. There is interest in unusual

properties, such negative [24-26] or zero [27] values of Poisson’s ratio. Strains can be larger than

in conventional media; however, responses are mainly anisotropic and non-linear. Other

controllable properties include thermal conductivity [28] and expansion coefficient [29]. 2D

periodic structures are generally fabricated by extrusion [30], while aperiodic materials are often

foams [31]. Applications include heat exchangers, aerospace components, packaging and stents,

and there are analogies with biological materials such as wood and trabecular bone [32].

Because their properties can be controlled by layout, cellular solids should offer advantages in

nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS). Applications include piezo-composites [33, 34],

acoustic materials [35, 36] and mechanisms [37-39]. However, formation of structured

Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu and Munir M. Ahmad· 2018. 6. 2.· Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu1 and Munir M. Ahmad1 Abstract Sidewall transfer lithography (STL) is demonstrated - [PDF Document] (3)


microscale parts requires nanofabrication. Existing methods have been reviewed in [40]. For 2D

materials, these include soft lithography and moulding [41] and deep reactive ion etching (DRIE)

[42]. For 3D materials, x-ray lithography [43], direct laser writing [44], stereo-lithography [45],

3D printing [46] and folding [47] have been proposed. However, only 2D processes are currently

compatible with integration. Although this limits the range of materials, many devices may still

benefit. Examples range from seismometers (which require low suspension stiffness in the

sensitive direction) and thermal sensors (which require low thermal conduction). Even so, there

are problems preventing exploitation. The most flexible processes use photopolymers, and it is

difficult to reduce wall thickness below around 0.5 µm without expensive serial patterning.

In this paper we demonstrate 2D nanostructured materials that can be integrated directly into

silicon NEMS using a parallel fabrication process, sidewall transfer lithography (STL). STL was

developed to overcome resolution limits in microelectronics [48, 49], but has since been modified

to fabricate optics [50, 51], field emission devices [52], nanowires [53, 54], nanoimprint

templates [55, 56], photomasks [57] and nanochannels [58]. We ourselves have used it to

fabricate single crystal NEMS [59, 60], by DRIE of bonded silicon-on-insulator (BSOI) [61, 62].

Here we use demonstrate cellular materials. In section 2, we consider the linear mechanical

properties of four lattices with different effective parameters, using stiffness matrix models and

focusing on the validity of the effective medium approximation in geometries with boundaries. In

Section 3, we describe the fabrication of suspended silicon devices containing cellular material

using STL patterning of BSOI. In Section 4, we present experimental results, and show that many

of the theoretical predictions can be observed directly. Conclusions are drawn in Section 5.

Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu and Munir M. Ahmad· 2018. 6. 2.· Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu1 and Munir M. Ahmad1 Abstract Sidewall transfer lithography (STL) is demonstrated - [PDF Document] (4)


2. Cellular materials and devices

In this section, we review the characteristics of 2D cellular solids, using simple models to

demonstrate the behaviour of lattices that may be formed using STL NEMS.

Cellular materials

Figure 1 shows eight well-known cellular materials, with triangular (1a), hexagonal (1b),

trihexagonal (1c), diamond (1e), defected diamond (1f), negative Poisson’s ratio (1d, 1g) and

zero Poisson’s ratio (1h) (NPR and ZPR) lattices [7-9, 13-16, 25-27]. Some (hexagonal, defected

diamond) are flexible, while others (triangular) are stiff. Their linear, non-linear and failure

properties have all been investigated. Briefly, a linear response is obtained when deflections lie in

the linear regime. However, the response may become non-linear at moderate displacements, due

to geometric effects or buckling. Irreversible non-linearity may emerge as plastic hinges develop

or brittle fracture occurs [7], and cracks may propagate following a cellular analogue of the

Griffith mechanism [20, 21]. Here we focus on the highlighted lattices, whose significance is that

all may be fabricated using STL. The diamond (1e) and defected diamond (1f) lattices use

flexible members of constant width; we term these IA and IB. The NPR (1g) and ZPR (1h)

lattices use flexible diagonal and stiff horizontal members; we term these IIA and IIB.


Previous analysis has mainly been for macroscopic applications. Similarly, apart from a few

exceptions (e.g. [37, 38]), cellular materials have not formed part of complete devices. Here we

give an overview relevant to NEMS, when behaviour is predominantly linear but cell numbers

Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu and Munir M. Ahmad· 2018. 6. 2.· Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu1 and Munir M. Ahmad1 Abstract Sidewall transfer lithography (STL) is demonstrated - [PDF Document] (5)


are relatively small and edge effects significant. Although finite element methods are often used

to model cellular materials, their complexity and aspect ratio can cause difficulties. We therefore

base the discussion on Euler bending theory (see e.g. [63]) and the stiffness matrix method [64,

65]. We restrict the analysis to 2D, assume deflections are linear and ignore shear.

For a single horizontal member of length L, the relation between the loads Fxi and Fyi in the x- and

y-directions and moments Mzi about the z-axis at either end can then be related to the deflections

uxi, uyi and θzi using the matrix elements in Figure 2. Here E is Young’s modulus, A = wd is the

cross-sectional area and I = dw3/12 is the second moment of area for a member of depth d and

width w. These elements cannot model axial shortening in bending, which introduces strain-

dependence [39]. For an inclined member, rotation matrices are used to project forces into local

co-ordinates and return deflections to global co-ordinates. Loads and deflections are propagated

between members using compatibility conditions and the resulting equations solved subject to

loads and constraints. We have developed MATLAB software to lay out lattices, apply loads and

boundary conditions, solve the matrix problem and plot deflections in a few seconds.

Material properties

Crystalline silicon is mechanically anisotropic [3, 66]. We assume that lattices are formed in

[100] wafers, with flexure in plane. For members lying in the x-direction, stress is predominantly

in the [110] direction and we assume a Young’s modulus E0 = 169 x 109 N/m2; for members at

45o to the x- and y-axes, we assume E45 = 130 x 109 N/m2 [67]. Although the members are

narrow, we ignore the size effects in ultra-thin beams [68], so the mechanics are scale-

independent. Silicon is also brittle. A commonly quoted figure for failure strength is 7 x 109 N/m2

Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu and Munir M. Ahmad· 2018. 6. 2.· Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu1 and Munir M. Ahmad1 Abstract Sidewall transfer lithography (STL) is demonstrated - [PDF Document] (6)


[3], leading to a failure strain of ≈ 5%. However, much lower (0.5% - 1.0%) values have been

measured [69], depending on direction, size and surface condition [70].

Effective medium properties

For large lattices, the dependence of extension on load can be recast as a stress-strain relation

with an effective value of Young’s modulus. Accompanying this will be a transverse contraction,

leading to an effective value of Poisson’s ratio. Other properties, such as acoustic velocity and

the resonant frequency of vibrating structures, can be determined from the appropriate value of

effective elastic coefficient and the effective density. The aim of effective medium theory is to

design on the basis of these values. Here we use matrix calculations to highlight its validity (or

lack thereof). We focus initially on the IA diamond lattice, which is weak against normal forces

but resists shear. In the results that follow, unloaded and loaded structures are outlined in grey

and black.

Figure 3a shows the distortion of a single unit cell of side L = 10 µm, member width w = 100 nm

and depth d = 4 µm due to horizontal tensile forces F = 10-6 N at either end. Clearly, the cell has

elongated in the x-direction and contracted in the y-direction. Expressing the load as a stress σxx

and the elongation as a strain εxx allows calculation of an equivalent Young’s modulus E0* =

σxx/εxx, while comparing the strains in the x- and y-directions provides an equivalent Poisson’s

ratio ν0* = -εyy/εxx. Table I shows numerical values for w = 100 nm and combinations of L and F

giving similar strains. E0* varies considerably, while ν0* tends to unity as w/L decreases.

Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu and Munir M. Ahmad· 2018. 6. 2.· Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu1 and Munir M. Ahmad1 Abstract Sidewall transfer lithography (STL) is demonstrated - [PDF Document] (7)


These values may be compared with predictions made by ignoring axial displacements and

assuming each member deflects as a clamped-guided beam, which yield E0*/E45 = 2(w/L)3 and

ν0* = 1 [7]. There is good agreement, suggesting that analytic approximations suffice when

bending dominates and provide simple scaling laws. Thus, structuring reduces the effective

Young’s modulus by a large, geometrically controllable factor. However, values of E* and ν* are

entirely different for loads at 45o (≈ w/L and zero, respectively) so the material is anisotropic.

Brittle fracture

The maximum strain of each member is εmax = w/2R, where 1/R = M/E45I is the curvature and M

is the maximum bending moment. For a clamped-guided member with a transverse load P, this

occurs at each end and has the value M = PL/2. From the corresponding transverse deflection

(uymax = PL3/12E45I) we obtain 1/R = 6uymax/L2, or 6ε0*/L where ε0* is the effective strain of the

cell. Assuming each member fails at a strain εf45, the effective fracture strain is εf0*/ε f45 = L/3w.

Since w << L, allowable strains are increased, implying the possibility of long-travel suspensions.

However, structuring must be achieved without creating stress-concentrating notches.

Edge effects

As is well known, this model no longer suffices when cells are constrained. In devices, cellular

materials are likely be used locally, connecting to conventional parts at anchors and links.

Stresses providing appreciable strains in cellular material will then be so low that boundary

displacements must be zero. In this case, the effect of a non-zero ν0* provides a local constraint,

preventing the correct value of E0* from being achieved near constrained edges. For example,

Figure 3b shows the deflection of a 4 x 12 sheet of IA material due to horizontal tensile forces of

Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu and Munir M. Ahmad· 2018. 6. 2.· Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu1 and Munir M. Ahmad1 Abstract Sidewall transfer lithography (STL) is demonstrated - [PDF Document] (8)


F = 0.5 x 10-6 N per node. The sheet is built-in at the LHS, while the nodes at the RHS are

connected with a rigid link. The assumed parameters are L = 10 µm, w = 100 nm, d = 4 µm and F

= 10-7 N. The non-zero value of ν0* implies that nodes near the boundary cannot deflect, except

through minimal changes in axial length. As a result, there is a stiff transition zone near each end,

where estimates based on E0* will be incorrect. To quantify this, Figure 4a shows the variation

with aspect ratio of the average value of E0* for sheets of different width. The average tends to

the analytic value as the aspect ratio rises, although convergence is slower for wider sheets.

Effective medium theory is only accurate when edge effects are small.


Pure bending may be simulated using linearly varying loads at end nodes to mimic a moment M.

Figure 3c shows the deflection of a IA beam with 4 x 32 cells, assuming M = 1.414 x 10-11 N m.

Ignoring axial deflections again, it is simple to obtain the curvature as 1/R = M/E45*I*. Here I* =

dw*3/12 is the effective second moment of area and w* is the effective beam width. For an N-cell

wide beam, (N3 + N2/2 - 5N/2 + 1)(L√2)3 is an approximation for w*3, with w* tending to the

actual width NL√2 when N is large. Figure 4b compares the midline deflection uy with the

analytic variation; the agreement is remarkable. Provided edge effects are small, effective

medium theory should allow deflection to be predicted using standard expressions. Figure 3c

shows the deflection of a 4 x 32 IA beam in the clamped-guided configuration due to a total load

P = 8 x 10-8 N. Away from the ends, the midline deflection uy is close to the sigmoidal curve uy(x)

= x2(3LB - 2x) (P/12E45*I*), where x is horizontal position and LB is beam length. However, there

is no bending in the stiff zones.

Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu and Munir M. Ahmad· 2018. 6. 2.· Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu1 and Munir M. Ahmad1 Abstract Sidewall transfer lithography (STL) is demonstrated - [PDF Document] (9)


Comparative performance

We now compare the lattices highlighted in Figure 1. We assume that all flexible members have

length L. We also assume initially that the stiff members in the IIA and IIB lattices are inflexible,

and that both their unit cells must be elongated in the x-direction by a factor f to allow gaps for

motion. Their effective parameters can again be found by assuming that bending dominates and

are given in Table II for uniaxial loads. The lattices exhibit a range of ν0*, from positive to

negative and including zero. Since the cell density is reduced in the x-direction in Type II lattices,

E0* is increased in each case, and ν0* is also altered for IIA.

Other differences can be expected at edges. To illustrate this, Figure 5 shows deflections the ends

of beams formed in each lattice. Here, rigid end links are again used, all members have d = 4 µm,

flexible members have L = 10 µm, w = 100 nm, and stiff members have w = 1 µm; however, all

members are drawn with the same width for clarity. The factor f for IIA and IIB cells is 2.5. The

IA beam contains 12 x 60 cells, while the IB, IIA and IIB have 6 x 30, 12 x 24 and 6 x 24 cells,

respectively. As a result, all beams have the same width (12 x 10 x √2 ≈ 170 µm) and length (60

x 10 x √2 ≈ 850 µm). Loads are applied to yield an extension of 30 µm, i.e. a strain of 3.5%. In

each case, there are edge effects, which increase with ⎪ν0*⎪. For the IA diamond lattice (5a),

there is a larger triangular stiff zone. For the IB defected diamond lattice (5b), the transition from

free to constrained cells is both smoother and faster. For the IIA NPR lattice (5c), horizontal

members are forced to rotate in the transition region, implying the possibility of large local

strains in wide sheets. Only the IIB ZPR lattice (5d) purely stretches. However, not all lattices

have such short transitions. For example, if the NPR cells in Figure 5c are rotated through 90o,

clamping at the ends provides a strong constraint, preventing transverse expansion and stiffening

Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu and Munir M. Ahmad· 2018. 6. 2.· Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu1 and Munir M. Ahmad1 Abstract Sidewall transfer lithography (STL) is demonstrated - [PDF Document] (10)


the entire sheet. Effective medium theory must therefore be used with caution.

Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu and Munir M. Ahmad· 2018. 6. 2.· Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu1 and Munir M. Ahmad1 Abstract Sidewall transfer lithography (STL) is demonstrated - [PDF Document] (11)


3. Cellular materials by STL NEMS processing

In this section, we consider the application of STL to cellular material and the incorporation of

such materials in complete NEMS.

Sidewall transfer lithography

Figure 6a shows our patterning process [60], which uses multiple STL cycles to allow

intersecting features. Here a 3-mask process is assumed. In step 1, photolithography (PL) and

reactive ion etching (RIE) are used to pattern a Si substrate with polygonal features on STL Mask

1, as a set of shallow mesas. In step 2, the process is repeated using STL Mask 2. In step 3, the

mesas are coated with a layer, whose horizontal surfaces are discarded to leave the vertical edges

as a nanoscale mask. In step 4, PL is used to form microscale patterns in resist. In Step 5, micro-

and nano-scale features are transferred together into the substrate. Undercut is then used to form

suspended NEMS. Figure 6b shows how STL may be used to form the four lattices. Types IA

and IB require two levels of STL, using overlaid rectangular and diamond features, respectively.

For these lattices, exact periodicity is lost at array edges, since the overlaid STL patterns do not

correspond exactly to unit cells. However, for large arrays the effects will be small. IIA and IIB

require one level of STL to form accordion-shaped features and one level of PL to form

microscale strips. All four lattices can be formed on a single wafer.

Figure 7a shows our BSOI NEMS process. The two STL steps involve patterning and etching a

first set of mesas (steps 1-3), and then patterning and etching a second set (4, 5). STL processes

have used polysilicon [48], Si3N4 [49], SiO2 [53] or metal [51] masks. We have used gold, which

Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu and Munir M. Ahmad· 2018. 6. 2.· Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu1 and Munir M. Ahmad1 Abstract Sidewall transfer lithography (STL) is demonstrated - [PDF Document] (12)


has low intrinsic stress and a high selectivity to Si during DRIE, but which also requires a thin

interlayer such as Cr to improve adhesion. However, if Au is inappropriate, low-stress PECVD

oxide is a useful alternative. A semi-conformal coating (i.e. a coating that at least preserves the

angular topology of the surface) is deposited (6), and its horizontal surfaces removed by

directional etching (7). The result is a surface mask defining overlaid nanoscale features. PL is

then used to add microscale parts (8) and the combined pattern is transferred into the substrate by

DRIE (9, 10). Suspended parts are freed by etching away sacrificial oxide (11) and Al is

deposited to allow electrical contact (12). So far, the sidewall mask has been left in place, without

apparently effecting mechanical response [59].

The lattices were formed with periods and sheet sizes corresponding to the simulations of Figure

5. However, the stiff horizontal beams in IIA and IIB cells were widened to 3 µm to increase

alignment tolerance. To accommodate this, the flexible diagonal members were made longer and

arranged as the hypotenuse of a 3-4-5 triangle rather than at 45o. The effect was to reduce f to

1.75 and alter the member angle to θ = tan-1(4/3), reducing the expected value of ν0* for IIA to -f

cot(θ) = -1.3125. The sheets were combined with micro-scale anchors, using overlap to ensure

attachment. Link beams and pull rods were incorporated for actuation in the axial and transverse

direction as shown in Figure 7b, with latches for fixing.

Device fabrication

Patterns were defined using laser-written masks with a minimum feature size of 1.5 µm. Devices

were fabricated in 100 mm diameter (100) BSOI wafers with a 5 µm device layer and a 2 µm

oxide layer. Process details are similar to those in [60]. Patterning was carried out using a mid-

Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu and Munir M. Ahmad· 2018. 6. 2.· Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu1 and Munir M. Ahmad1 Abstract Sidewall transfer lithography (STL) is demonstrated - [PDF Document] (13)


UV contact aligner. A 0.4 µm thick layer of Shipley S1805 resist was used for STL 1, while 1.5

µm of Shipley S1813 was used for STL 2 and to define microscale parts. Mesas were etched to a

depth of 0.4 µm using a STS DRIE system, using a cyclic process based on SF6 and C4F8 [61].

The shallowest members were therefore ≈ 4 µm deep. Metal deposition and etching were carried

out using a RF sputter coater. 100 nm Au was first deposited, using 10 nm Cr for adhesion, and

horizontal layers were sputtered away in Ar gas. Material was deposited at high pressure (1.5 x

10-2 mbar) and sputter-etched at relatively low pressure (2 x 10-3 mbar). To reduce intrinsic stress

further, both processes were carried out at a low enough power (100 W) to maintain a low

temperature. Etching and passivation were adjusted during DRIE to hold the member width close

to 100 nm. The main problem was the formation of silicon grass from resputtered Cr. However,

this was again avoided with careful process control. Suspended parts were undercut using HF

vapour, and Al metallisation deposited by thermal evaporation. Structures released without

obvious stress-induced distortions.

Structures were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and optical surface

profilometry. Figure 8 shows SEM views during processing [60]. Figure 8a shows a two-layer

mesa, in the criss-cross pattern needed for IA material. Figure 8b shows Au metal over a mesa

edge, before sputter etching to form the sidewall mask. To highlight the metal, the mesa has been

oxidized before coating, and dipped in HF after cleaving. The metal is thinner on vertical surfaces

but coverage is continuous. Figure 8c shows the completed mask. There are small height

differences between the metal in the two STL layers; these do not affect pattern transfer. Figure

8d shows the structure after DRIE; the sidewall mask has been transferred into high aspect ratio

Si sheets. Orthogonal features have similar widths; however, a small height variation (one mesa

Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu and Munir M. Ahmad· 2018. 6. 2.· Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu1 and Munir M. Ahmad1 Abstract Sidewall transfer lithography (STL) is demonstrated - [PDF Document] (14)


depth) can be seen. For deep structures, this will have minimal mechanical effect. Figures 9a-d

shows surface profiles of IA, IB, IIA and IIB masks, which correspond to Figure 6b. Figures 10a-

d shows SEM views of the four suspended lattices. As discussed earlier, periodicity is lost at free

edges for IA and IB materials. Other imperfections include corner rounding, changes in mark-to

space ratio and overlay errors. Improved results could easily be obtained using deep UV

lithography. Figure 10e shows a transverse pull-rod with IA material and Figure 10f an axial pull-

rod with IIA material. The materials are highly flexible, and can easily be bent out-of-plane, as

shown in Figures 10g and 10h.

Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu and Munir M. Ahmad· 2018. 6. 2.· Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu1 and Munir M. Ahmad1 Abstract Sidewall transfer lithography (STL) is demonstrated - [PDF Document] (15)


4. Mechanical testing

The combination of large suspended structures and small features complicated metrology. For

example, small movements were observed during SEM inspection, due to charging or heating.

Even though the flexible members are visible in optical microscopes, they cannot properly be

resolved, or visualised in detail except over a small field of view, and background lightening was

required to clarify some photographs.

Tensile testing

Mechanical testing was carried out under a microscope, using a probe-tip for actuation. Figure

11a shows the arrangement for stretching a IA beam through a fixed distance of 30 µm,

corresponding to a strain of ≈ 3.6%. Figures 11b-e show microscope views of the ends of beams

in the four different lattices when subject to this strain, which should be compared with Figure 5.

All show edge effects at the boundary between the cellular material and the rigid link used to

apply loads. For the IA lattice (11b), the transition region can be identified from the change in

slope of diagonal members. No such abrupt change can be seen in the IB lattice (11c), although

distortion of the unit cell can be measured directly from comparative photographs with the lattice

relaxed. For the IIA lattice (11d), rotation of the stiff horizontal members can be seen in the

transition region. However, for the IIB lattice (11e), these members remain horizontal. To

illustrate the effect of orientation, Figure 11f shows the end of a strained beam formed using IIA

cells that have been rotated through 90o. Although auxetic behaviour might again be expected, the

strong constraint on the stiff members has prevented transverse expansion, as mentioned

previously. ν0* was estimated from the average longitudinal strain (3.5 %) and the transverse

Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu and Munir M. Ahmad· 2018. 6. 2.· Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu1 and Munir M. Ahmad1 Abstract Sidewall transfer lithography (STL) is demonstrated - [PDF Document] (16)


strain away from the transition region. The following results were obtained. IA: ν0* = +0.86

(predicted value +1); IB: ν0* = +0.48 (+0.5); IIA: ν0* = -1.21 (-1.3125) and IIB: ν0* = 0 (as

expected). Non-zero values are within reasonable experimental error.

Electrostatic actuation

Elastic coefficients can in principle be determined from axial deflections applied by an actuator

such as an electrostatic comb-drive. However, stress-induced misalignment complicates

measurement. We therefore present results only for a single lattice of Type IB as shown in Figure

12a. Here a wider sheet contained 18 x 16 cells was used, while the comb contained 48 electrode

gaps, each measuring 5 µm. A voltage V was applied between the anchors, with the fixed beam

end and substrate grounded. The circles in Figure 12b show the variation of in-plane (x)

deflection with V2, while the crosses show the out-of-plane (z) height of the moving comb above

the fixed comb. The x- deflection initially increases rapidly, and then follows a linear

characteristic with lower slope. The z-deflection is initially positive, but then gradually reduces.

The initial response can be explained by electrode misalignment caused by out-of-plane

curvature, since improvements to alignment caused by flattening the sheet will lead to a large

deflection at low force. The final response can be explained using the standard model of a comb

actuator. The force due to an actuator with variable capacitance C(x) is F = 1/2 dC/dx V2. For a

comb-drive with N electrode gaps g, dC/dx = Nε0d/g. If the beam has axial stiffness kT, it will

deflect until the spring force kTΔx balances the electrostatic force, so Δx = (Nε0d/2kTg) V2. The

stiffness of a single cell is k = E0*d, or E45d(w/L)3 for Type IB material (Table II). Here, k ≈ 130

x 109 x 4 x 10-6 x (0.1/10)3 = 0.52 N/m. Ignoring boundary effects, the stiffness of a beam with 16

Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu and Munir M. Ahmad· 2018. 6. 2.· Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu1 and Munir M. Ahmad1 Abstract Sidewall transfer lithography (STL) is demonstrated - [PDF Document] (17)


cells in parallel and 18 in series is kT ≈ 0.52 x 16/18 = 0.46 N/m. Consequently, Δx ≈ 48 x 8.85 x

10-12 x 4/(2 x 0.46 x 5) V2 (m) = 0.37 x 10-3 V2 (µm). The dashed line in Figure 12b shows the

prediction of this model, assuming an offset of 2.7 µm to account for misalignment. There is

reasonable agreement with the data, confirming the earlier estimate for elastic properties.

Brittle fracture

Higher strains were applied in dies without end-stops. Insufficient devices were fabricated to

allow statistics; however, characteristic failure modes were still identified. Type IA lattices

mainly failed through diagonal fracture as shown in Figure 13a. Crack propagation appeared to

follow models in which failure of one member causes a notch in the cellular sheet that transfers

additional stress to adjacent members [21]. The nanoscale stubs decorating the separated edges

are generally full-length, implying that members have mainly broken at the point of maximum

moment rather than at stress concentrations induced by surface notches. Cracks in Type IB

lattices did not propagate, but caused open tears with large accompanying distortion (Figure 13b).

Type IIA lattices mainly cleaved at right angles to the beam axis, especially when rotated by 90o

(Figure 13c), while IIB failed along more wandering perpendicular loci (Figure 13d).


Clamped-guided bending was achieved by applying transverse deflections at beam centres.

However, it was difficult to image the entirety of such large structures with precision. Figure14a

shows an optical view of a IA beam after latching into position. The deflected shape broadly

follows the sigmoidal curve expected from Figure 3d. However, the increased beam width has

resulted in larger stiff zone. To highlight this, Figure 14b shows an enlarged view near the

Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu and Munir M. Ahmad· 2018. 6. 2.· Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu1 and Munir M. Ahmad1 Abstract Sidewall transfer lithography (STL) is demonstrated - [PDF Document] (18)


anchor, where the stiff zone may again be identified from the change in slope of flexible

members. Figure 14c shows a SEM view of a IIA beam (which has reduced edge effects) after

latching into position. Figure 14d compares experimental midline profile of the loaded beam with

the expected sigmoidal curve, for three different peak deflections. There is generally good

agreement, although this degrades as the deflection rises. Brittle failure during bending generally

occurred at beam-ends, where the effective bending moment is largest. Mechanical behaviour

therefore broadly corresponds to theoretical predictions.

Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu and Munir M. Ahmad· 2018. 6. 2.· Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu1 and Munir M. Ahmad1 Abstract Sidewall transfer lithography (STL) is demonstrated - [PDF Document] (19)


5. Conclusions

We have shown that sidewall transfer lithography and deep reactive ion etching provide a

practical method of fabricating nanostructured 2D cellular material with well-controlled feature

size at low cost. No electron-beam lithography is required, simply the addition of two optical

lithography cycles and some conventional surface processing. We have fabricated NEMS

containing cellular materials and used them to investigate stretching, bending and brittle fracture.

Mechanical behaviour largely follows theoretical predictions made using the stiffness matrix

method. However, modelling and experiment both highlight the need to control Poisson’s ratio to

avoid edge effects. There is considerable scope to develop alternative unit cells to explore

anisotropy or control non-linearity. Example applications include mechanical devices requiring

long travel or low resonant frequency. However, since the structuring must also control thermal

conductivity, there may also be applications in thermal MEMS. Process development is clearly

required to improve lithography, reduce overlay errors, reduce cell size and increase feature

height. Further work is also required to determine repeatability and reliability. However, the STL

approach represents a rare example of a foundry compatible NEMS process.

Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu and Munir M. Ahmad· 2018. 6. 2.· Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu1 and Munir M. Ahmad1 Abstract Sidewall transfer lithography (STL) is demonstrated - [PDF Document] (20)


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Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu and Munir M. Ahmad· 2018. 6. 2.· Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu1 and Munir M. Ahmad1 Abstract Sidewall transfer lithography (STL) is demonstrated - [PDF Document] (25)


7. Tables

I. Comparison of numerical and analytic values for E0* and ν0* for a diamond lattice.

II. Effective medium parameters for the four lattices highlighted in Figure 1.

L (µm)

Fx (N)

εxx σxx (N/m2)


(numerical) E0*/E45

(analytic) ν0*

(numerical) ν0*


1 1 x 10-5 0.0069 1.768 x 106 2.000 x 10-3 2 x 10-3 0.9802 1.0000 10 1 x 10-7 0.0068 1.768 x 103 1.998 x 10-6 2 x 10-6 0.9998 1.0000

100 1 x 10-9 0.0068 1.768 x 100 2.000 x 10-9 2 x 10-9 1.0000 1.0000

Table I.


E0*/E45 2(w/L)3 (w/L)3 2f(w/L)3 2f(w/L)3

ν0* 1 0.5 -f 0 Table II.

Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu and Munir M. Ahmad· 2018. 6. 2.· Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu1 and Munir M. Ahmad1 Abstract Sidewall transfer lithography (STL) is demonstrated - [PDF Document] (26)


8. Figures

1. a) Triangular, b) hexagonal, c) trihexagonal, d) auxetic quadrilateral, e) diamond, f) defected

diamond, g) re-entrant honeycomb, h) zero Poisson’s ratio lattices:

2. Stiffness matrix elements for a single horizontal structural member.

3. Deflections of diamond cellular material: a) single cell and b) 4 x 12 array under tension; c) 4

x 32 array under pure bending; d) 4 x 32 array under clamped-guided bending.

4. Variation of the average value of E0* with aspect ratio, for two sheet widths; b) numerical and

analytic predictions for the deflection of a 4-cell wide beam under pure bending.

5. End deflections for stretched beams formed from a) IA, b) IB, c) IIA and d) IIB lattices.

6. a) Patterning in a STL NEMS process; b) patterns needed for IA, IB, IIA and IIB lattices.

7. STL NEMS fabrication process; b) generic NEMS containing embedded cellular materials.

8. SEM views of IA lattices at different stages in fabrication: a) overlaid mesa structure; b)

metal-coated mesa, c) completed sidewall mask, and d) etched silicon structure © [2015]


9. Surface profiles of a) IA, b) IB, c) IIA and d) IIB lattices, after mask formation.

10. SEM views of a) IA, b) IB, c) IIA and d) IIB lattices; completed NEMS designed for e)

transverse and f) axial deflection; g) and h) IB and b) IIA lattices after buckling out-of-plane.

11. Optical views of a) arrangement for tensile testing, and strained lattices containing b) IA, c)

IB, d) IIA, e) IIB and f) IIA lattices with cells rotated by 90o.

12. a) SEM view of a Type 1B sheet with an electrostatic comb actuator; b) comparison between

experimental and theoretical deflection characteristics.

13. Optical views of fractured lattices: a) IA, b) IB, c) IIA and d) IIB.

Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu and Munir M. Ahmad· 2018. 6. 2.· Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu1 and Munir M. Ahmad1 Abstract Sidewall transfer lithography (STL) is demonstrated - [PDF Document] (27)


14. a), b) Optical views of IA lattice after bending; c) SEM view of IB lattice after bending; d)

experimental and theoretical beam profiles for different deflections.

Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu and Munir M. Ahmad· 2018. 6. 2.· Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu1 and Munir M. Ahmad1 Abstract Sidewall transfer lithography (STL) is demonstrated - [PDF Document] (28)


Figure 1.

Figure 2.

Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu and Munir M. Ahmad· 2018. 6. 2.· Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu1 and Munir M. Ahmad1 Abstract Sidewall transfer lithography (STL) is demonstrated - [PDF Document] (29)


Figure 3.

Figure 4.

Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu and Munir M. Ahmad· 2018. 6. 2.· Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu1 and Munir M. Ahmad1 Abstract Sidewall transfer lithography (STL) is demonstrated - [PDF Document] (30)


Figure 5.

Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu and Munir M. Ahmad· 2018. 6. 2.· Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu1 and Munir M. Ahmad1 Abstract Sidewall transfer lithography (STL) is demonstrated - [PDF Document] (31)


Figure 6.

Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu and Munir M. Ahmad· 2018. 6. 2.· Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu1 and Munir M. Ahmad1 Abstract Sidewall transfer lithography (STL) is demonstrated - [PDF Document] (32)


Figure 7.

Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu and Munir M. Ahmad· 2018. 6. 2.· Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu1 and Munir M. Ahmad1 Abstract Sidewall transfer lithography (STL) is demonstrated - [PDF Document] (33)


Figure 8.

Figure 9.

Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu and Munir M. Ahmad· 2018. 6. 2.· Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu1 and Munir M. Ahmad1 Abstract Sidewall transfer lithography (STL) is demonstrated - [PDF Document] (34)


Figure 10.

Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu and Munir M. Ahmad· 2018. 6. 2.· Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu1 and Munir M. Ahmad1 Abstract Sidewall transfer lithography (STL) is demonstrated - [PDF Document] (35)


Figure 11.

Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu and Munir M. Ahmad· 2018. 6. 2.· Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu1 and Munir M. Ahmad1 Abstract Sidewall transfer lithography (STL) is demonstrated - [PDF Document] (36)


Figure 12.

Figure 13.

Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu and Munir M. Ahmad· 2018. 6. 2.· Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu1 and Munir M. Ahmad1 Abstract Sidewall transfer lithography (STL) is demonstrated - [PDF Document] (37)


Figure 14.

Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu and Munir M. Ahmad · 2018. 6. 2. · Richard R.A. Syms1*, Dixi Liu1 and Munir M. Ahmad1 Abstract Sidewall transfer lithography (STL) is demonstrated - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

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