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Pc Mag
Author :
language : en
Release Date : 2003-08-05
Pc Mag written by and has been published by this book supported file pdf, txt, epub, kindle and other format this book has been release on 2003-08-05 with categories.
PCMag.com is a leading authority on technology, delivering Labs-based, independent reviews of the latest products and services. Our expert industry analysis and practical solutions help you make better buying decisions and get more from technology.
Grand Theft Auto
Author : Tim Bogenn
language : en
Publisher: Bradygames Signature
Release Date : 2003
Grand Theft Auto written by Tim Bogenn and has been published by Bradygames Signature this book supported file pdf, txt, epub, kindle and other format this book has been release on 2003 with Games & Activities categories.
Bogenn provides expert strategies that show gamers the steps to climbing the ladder of crime, along with complete coverage of every mission, including side missions. Detailed maps of Vice City show locations of important items and weapons. Cool game secrets, tips, and cheat codes are revealed.
Grand Theft Auto
Author : Tim Bogenn
language : en
Publisher: Bradygames
Release Date : 2007
Grand Theft Auto written by Tim Bogenn and has been published by Bradygames this book supported file pdf, txt, epub, kindle and other format this book has been release on 2007 with Computer adventure games categories.
BradyGames' Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories (PS2) Official Strategy Guide includes the following: A complete and walkthrough plus detailed mission route maps. ITEM AND COLLECTION MAPS: The locations of health, armor, and weapon pick-ups are revealed -- plus all 99 Red Balloons, every Unique Stunt Jump and Rampage, and other hidden bonuses. VICE CITY DIVERSIONS: How to have fun and make extra cash with a dazzling array of Pastimes -- from the Shooting Range and Vigilante missions to Jet Ski and Quad Bike Time Trials. EMPIRE BUILDING: New to the series is the ability for players to create and run their own businesses. Follow included entrepreneurial advice to make it to the top. AND MUCH MORE! Platform: PlayStation 2 Genre: Action/AdventureThis product is available for sale worldwide.
Developing Games In Java
Author : David Brackeen
language : en
Publisher: New Riders
Release Date : 2004
Developing Games In Java written by David Brackeen and has been published by New Riders this book supported file pdf, txt, epub, kindle and other format this book has been release on 2004 with Computers categories.
Companion web site available.
Kotlin Programming Cookbook
Author : Rashi Karanpuria
language : en
Publisher: Packt Publishing Ltd
Release Date : 2018-01-25
Kotlin Programming Cookbook written by Rashi Karanpuria and has been published by Packt Publishing Ltd this book supported file pdf, txt, epub, kindle and other format this book has been release on 2018-01-25 with Computers categories.
Discover Android programming and web development by understanding the concepts of Kotlin Programming Key Features Practical solutions to your common programming problems with Kotlin 1.1 Leverage the functional power of Kotlin to ease your Android application development Learn to use Java code in conjunction with Kotlin Book Description The Android team has announced first-class support for Kotlin 1.1. This acts as an added boost to the language and more and more developers are now looking at Kotlin for their application development. This recipe-based book will be your guide to learning the Kotlin programming language. The recipes in this book build from simple language concepts to more complex applications of the language. After the fundamentals of the language, you will learn how to apply the object-oriented programming features of Kotlin 1.1. Programming with Lambdas will show you how to use the functional power of Kotlin. This book has recipes that will get you started with Android programming with Kotlin 1.1, providing quick solutions to common problems encountered during Android app development. You will also be taken through recipes that will teach you microservice and concurrent programming with Kotlin. Going forward, you will learn to test and secure your applications with Kotlin. Finally, this book supplies recipes that will help you migrate your Java code to Kotlin and will help ensure that it's interoperable with Java. What you will learn Understand the basics and object-oriented concepts of Kotlin Programming Explore the full potential of collection frameworks in Kotlin Work with SQLite databases in Android, make network calls, and fetch data over a network Use Kotlin's Anko library for efficient and quick Android development Uncover some of the best features of Kotlin: Lambdas and Delegates Set up web service development environments, write servlets, and build RESTful services with Kotlin Learn how to write unit tests, integration tests, and instrumentation/acceptance tests. Who this book is for This book will appeal to Kotlin developers keen to find solutions for their common programming problems. Java programming knowledge would be an added advantage.
Ape Escape 2 Official Strategy Guide
Author : Tim Bogenn
language : en
Publisher: Bradygames
Release Date : 2003
Ape Escape 2 Official Strategy Guide written by Tim Bogenn and has been published by Bradygames this book supported file pdf, txt, epub, kindle and other format this book has been release on 2003 with Games & Activities categories.
BradyGames' Ape Escape 2 Official Strategy Guidefeatures a step-by-step walkthrough to guide players through every environment. Coverage of each delinquent monkey, and all mini-games. Expert boss tactics, plus complete item and vehicle lists. Game secrets revealed, and more!
Gamer Theory
Author : McKenzie Wark
language : en
Publisher: Harvard University Press
Release Date : 2009-06-30
Gamer Theory written by McKenzie Wark and has been published by Harvard University Press this book supported file pdf, txt, epub, kindle and other format this book has been release on 2009-06-30 with Social Science categories.
Ever get the feeling that life's a game with changing rules and no clear sides? Welcome to gamespace, the world in which we live. Where others argue obsessively over violence in games, Wark contends that digital computer games are our society's emergent cultural form, a utopian version of the world as it is. Gamer Theory uncovers the significance of games in the gap between the near-perfection of actual games and the imperfect gamespace of everyday life in the rat race of free-market society.
Popular Science
Author :
language : en
Release Date : 2007-05
Popular Science written by and has been published by this book supported file pdf, txt, epub, kindle and other format this book has been release on 2007-05 with categories.
Popular Science gives our readers the information and tools to improve their technology and their world. The core belief that Popular Science and our readers share: The future is going to be better, and science and technology are the driving forces that will help make it better.
Level Up
Author : Scott Rogers
language : en
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Release Date : 2010-09-29
Level Up written by Scott Rogers and has been published by John Wiley & Sons this book supported file pdf, txt, epub, kindle and other format this book has been release on 2010-09-29 with Computers categories.
Design and build cutting-edge video games with help from video game expert Scott Rogers! If you want to design and build cutting-edge video games but aren’t sure where to start, then this is the book for you. Written by leading video game expert Scott Rogers, who has designed the hits Pac Man World, Maxim vs. Army of Zin, and SpongeBob Squarepants, this book is full of Rogers's wit and imaginative style that demonstrates everything you need to know about designing great video games. Features an approachable writing style that considers game designers from all levels of expertise and experience Covers the entire video game creation process, including developing marketable ideas, understanding what gamers want, working with player actions, and more Offers techniques for creating non-human characters and using the camera as a character Shares helpful insight on the business of design and how to create design documents So, put your game face on and start creating memorable, creative, and unique video games with this book!
Grand Theft Auto
Author : Tim Bogenn
language : en
Publisher: BradyGames
Release Date : 2003-11
Grand Theft Auto written by Tim Bogenn and has been published by BradyGames this book supported file pdf, txt, epub, kindle and other format this book has been release on 2003-11 with Computer games categories.
BradyGames' Grand Theft Auto Double Pack Official Strategy Guidefeatures complete coverage of both Grand Theft Auto IIIand Grand Theft Auto: Vice Citygames. Expert mission strategies to complete each challenge. Detailed vehicle coverage of every sweet ride in both games. Exhaustive maps that pinpoint all items in both games. Plus, hidden packages, rampages, and other secrets and bonuses!